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New Maintainer: Ross Burton

Report for applicant: Ross Burton <ross@burtonini.com>

*** 1. Identification & Background

Keyid: 0xD0B433DF
Signed by Thom May [thom@debian].

% gpg --check-sigs 0xD0B433DF

pub  1024D/D0B433DF 2001-11-13 Ross Burton <ross@burtonini.com>
sig!3       D0B433DF 2002-01-21   Ross Burton <ross@burtonini.com>
sig!2       13046155 2002-09-16   Thom May <thom@tsw.org.uk>
uid                            Ross Burton <ross.burton@mail.com>
sig!3       D0B433DF 2002-01-21   Ross Burton <ross@burtonini.com>
sig!2       13046155 2002-09-16   Thom May <thom@tsw.org.uk>
sub  1024g/6C1DE835 2001-11-13
sig!        D0B433DF 2001-11-13   Ross Burton <ross@burtonini.com>

[ From the monthly keyanalyze report ]
Mean distance to this key from strong set:   5.4311

Applicant statement:
I am a software engineer, coding mainly in Java, C, and Python.  Inside
Debian I intend to assist the the development of the Debian GNOME 2
desktop (as can be seen with my choice of packages so far) -- I intent
to allow my girlfriend to use Debian instead of Windows for everything
she wants. :)

*** 2. Philosophy and Procedures

	Ross has a good understanding of the Philosophy and Procedures
of Debian. He was able to answer my questions with a touch of humour,
and he was able to demonstrate that he could find up-to-date useful
information - for example, the procedudes for NMU (DELAYED/) and
proposed-updates changing.
*** 3. Tasks and skills

	Ross' packages are all in good shape, helped in part by the
assistance of some of the other #debian-uk regulars.
	He is currently the maintainer for:
	* doclifter [testing]
	* desktop-file-utils [testing]
	* straw
	* drwright
	* gnome-pkgview
	* gtk-engines-lighthouseblue
	* gtk-mist-engine
	* meld
	* regexxer
	* zenity

*** 4. Recommendation

	I strongly reconmend accepting Ross as a Debian Developer.
	Account:  [ross@debian.org]
	Forwarding email: ross@burtonini.com

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Description: PGP signature

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