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AM Summary for Vincent Sanders

Report for new developer applicant Vincent Sanders <vince@kyllikki.org>:

Summary: I recommend without reservation Vincent Sanders as a Debian Developer.

1. Identification & Background
   Check with Keyid 0xEBE31EF5
   ID Check passed, Key signed from 2 existing DD's,
       Phil Blundel <pb@debian.org>, Wookey <wookey@debian.org>

pub  1024D/EBE31EF5 2002-04-29 Vincent Sanders (New key as old one is compromised) <vince@kyllikki.fluff.org>
sig!3       174FEE35 2002-12-16   Wookey <wookey@survex.com>
sig!        EF424F7D 2002-08-27   Phil Blundell <pb@handhelds.org>
sig!3       EBE31EF5 2002-04-29   Vincent Sanders (New key as old one is compromised) <vince@kyllikki.fluff.org>
uid                            Vincent Sanders <vince@kyllikki.org>
sig!3       174FEE35 2002-12-16   Wookey <wookey@survex.com>
sig!        EF424F7D 2002-08-27   Phil Blundell <pb@handhelds.org>
sig!3       EBE31EF5 2002-04-29   Vincent Sanders (New key as old one is compromised) <vince@kyllikki.fluff.org>
sub  2048g/EC910040 2002-04-29
sig!        EBE31EF5 2002-04-29   Vincent Sanders (New key as old one is compromised) <vince@kyllikki.fluff.org>

8 signatures not checked due to missing keys

   Applicant writes:
My name is Vincent Sanders, I was born in the UK and currently live in
yorkshire just outside of leeds. I am married and have two young

My main intended area of contribution will be concerned with the ARM
port of debian, I have already contributed towards this effort working
with Othmar Pasteka and Phil Blundell to add a new hardware sub
architecture (riscstation) to the ARM port. My next target is to
assist with the new debian-installer package and port it to the ARM

I also hope to contribute debian packages of several small Open source
programs I have written and possibly take on the packageing of some
other programs I use which are not currently packaged.

I started working with Linux during University in 1994. Some friends
and myself built a Linux server from an old 386 with 8Mb memory and
downloaded slackware on floppy disc. Since that time I have continued
to benefit from numerous Open Source projects (including obviously
Debian), because of this I have felt that when opportunity presented
itself I should return something to the community. In the past this
has included releaseing the source to several programs I wrote to
"scratch an itch". 

Recently I have a job in which I am in a position to access several
ARM based systems and my employer encorouages my improving Debian on
these systems. In future there may even be the opportunity to
contribute hardware as has already been done for the netBSD community.
2. Philosophy and Procedures
  Vincent has a good understanding of Debians Philosophy and
  Procedures. He answered all my Questions about Social Contract,
  DFSG, BTS etc. without problems. He has agreed to abide by the
  Social Contract.

3. Tasks and Skills
  Vincent is the upstream author for yaph which is not yet in the Debian 
  program. Vincent did a fine job creating a Debian package for yaph.
  He also answered my other questions regarding T&S quite well.

       Kevin Rosenberg        |  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **
  http://b9.com/debian.html   | : :' :      The  universal
  GPG signed and encrypted    | `. `'      Operating System
     messages accepted.       |   `-    http://www.debian.org/

Attachment: pgpXE99tK5NWe.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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