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AM Report for Devin Carraway <debian@devin.com>

Report for applicant Devin Carraway <debian@devin.com>

Summary: I strongly recommend that Debian accept Devin's application.

pub  1024D/E9ABFCD2 1999-07-20 Devin Carraway <debian@devin.com>
sig!3       E9ABFCD2 2002-07-17   Devin Carraway <debian@devin.com>
sig!3       EBC11B01 2002-07-22   Chris Waters <xtifr@debian.org>
uid                            Devin Carraway <aqua@devin.com>
sig!3       E9ABFCD2 1999-07-20   Devin Carraway <debian@devin.com>
sig!        6E479901 1999-07-20   Devin Carraway <aqua@atlantic.devin.com>
sig!        5C09BB33 2001-04-05   Michael P. TOULOUMTZIS (Mike) <miket@bluemug.com>
sig!        AF215D1C 2001-08-23   Michael P. Touloumtzis (Mike) <mpt@briars.weeds.hm>
sig!3       EBC11B01 2002-07-22   Chris Waters <xtifr@debian.org>
uid                            Devin Carraway <aqua@atlantic.devin.com>
sig!3       E9ABFCD2 1999-07-20   Devin Carraway <debian@devin.com>
sig!        6E479901 1999-07-20   Devin Carraway <aqua@atlantic.devin.com>
sig!        5C09BB33 2001-04-05   Michael P. TOULOUMTZIS (Mike) <miket@bluemug.com>
sig!        AF215D1C 2001-08-23   Michael P. Touloumtzis (Mike) <mpt@briars.weeds.hm>
sig!3       EBC11B01 2002-07-22   Chris Waters <xtifr@debian.org>
sub  2048g/1F73977C 1999-07-20
sig!        E9ABFCD2 1999-07-20   Devin Carraway <debian@devin.com>

Devin's key is signed by Chris Waters.  ID check passed.

Devin writes about himself:
| Background: I started with Linux in 1993, in college.  I came into it
| from a background in the WWIV BBS community, which included a largish
| group of people exchanging modifications to the BBS source; without
| benefit of the Internet or exposure the free software movement, that
| group had discovered in vague terms the benefits of open source -- most
| significantly the ability to tear software open, make changes, and pass
| those modifications on for others' benefit.  That community died out
| with the popularization of the Internet (and its remnants have never
| gotten out of the proprietary rut the software was stuck in).  I
| gradually transitioned myself towards Linux while working on my CS
| degree.  Since then I've conducted essentially all of my career using
| free software, as a sysadmin, web and embedded software engineer.   I'm
| enthusiastic about the use of OSS as a fundamentally correct way of
| doing things with computers.  It's also one of the main reasons I like
| my work so much -- it enables working with software to be a process of
| understanding rather than just doing.

Philosophy & Procedures
Devin understands, agrees with and has agreed to follow the Debian Social 
Contract, the DFSG and the DMUP.  Devin gave excellent answers for all
of the questions in the policies and proceudres template.  Devin has
used the BTS and is familiar with it already.
P&P check passed.

Tasks & Skills
Devin has a couple of packages which he maintains.  Two of which are
acme, which is already in Debian under sponsorship, and quelcom, which
was sponsored and should be in Debian soon.  After reviewing the quelcom
package I am confident in Devin's ability and skills to create packages
for Debian.  Packaging quelcom involved writing man pages and debugging
and writing patches to fix big-endian and gcc3 detected bugs.  Devin
also correctly answered all of the questions in the tasks and skills
T&S check passed.

Devin is excellent candidate and brings an excellence in package
creation and management to Debian.  Devin has shown to be extremely
patient and understanding as well as having an excellent wit and
understanding of Debian, man pages, programming, architecture specific
issues and porting challenges.  I look forward to Devin's addition to
Debian and hope to have contact with him in the future.  I heartily
recommend his addition to Debian.

	Stephen Frost
	Application Manager

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