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AM summary for Emanuele Rocca

AM report on Emanuele Rocca

Applicant info:

Name:	          Emanuele Rocca
Current email:    emarocca@libero.it
Preferred email:  ema@debian.org

Summary:  I recommend that Emanuelle be accepted as a Debian developer.


Emanuele provided me with the following gpg key:

pub  1024D/EAF19B60 2003-02-17 Emanuele Rocca <emarocca@libero.it>
sig!3       EC97089D 2003-08-30   Giuseppe Sacco (Debian) <eppesuig@debian.org>
sig!3       1A686975 2003-08-30   Carlo Contavalli <ccontavalli@commedia.it>
sig!3       EAF19B60 2003-05-20   Emanuele Rocca <emarocca@libero.it>
sig!3       EAF19B60 2003-05-20   Emanuele Rocca <emarocca@libero.it>
uid                            Emanuele Rocca <emanuele@wildcard.it>
sig!3       E1EE3FB1 2003-05-13   Marco d'Itri <md@linux.it>
sig!3       EC97089D 2003-08-30   Giuseppe Sacco (Debian) <eppesuig@debian.org>
sig!3       1A686975 2003-08-30   Carlo Contavalli <ccontavalli@commedia.it>
sig!3       EAF19B60 2003-02-17   Emanuele Rocca <emarocca@libero.it>
sub  1024g/12B60BB7 2003-02-17
sig!        EAF19B60 2003-02-17   Emanuele Rocca <emarocca@libero.it>

It is signed by Giuseppe Sacco <eppesuig@debian.org> (EC97089D), Marco d'Itri
<md@linux.it> (E1EE3FB1) and Carlo Contavalli <ccontavalli@commedia.it>

Identification check passed.

Policy and procedures:

Emamuele has a fine understanding of Debian policy and procedures.  He agrees
to the social contract and agrees to follow the DMUP.

Policy and procedures check passed.

Tasks and Skills:

Emanuele currently has several packages in main: fortunes-it, fortunes-it-off,
manpages-ru, urlview and worklog.  He's been sponsored by Francesco P.
Lovergine <frankie@debian.org>, Pascal Hakim <pasc@debian.org> and Joey Hess
<joeyh@debian.org>.  They seem to be quite happy with his packaging skills.
His packages look fine indeed;  they are mostly lintian clean, and there are
no outstanding RC bugs.
He also answered the T&S question satisfactory.

Kind regards,
| Bas Zoetekouw              | GPG key: 0644fab7                     |
|----------------------------| Fingerprint: c1f5 f24c d514 3fec 8bf6 |
| bas@o2w.nl, bas@debian.org |              a2b1 2bae e41f 0644 fab7 |

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