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AM report for Adam Majer <adamm@galacticasoftware.com>

pub  1024D/D6806145 2001-12-21 Adam Majer <adamm@galacticasoftware.com>
sig!        21DB31C5 2002-01-04   Steve M. Robbins <smr@debian.org>
sig!3       D6806145 2001-12-21   Adam Majer <adamm@galacticasoftware.com>
sub  1600g/E0E92ADD 2001-12-21
sig!        D6806145 2001-12-21   Adam Majer <adamm@galacticasoftware.com>

Identity passed.


Adam  said that Debian was the first Linux distribution he used. Adam is
interested in Debian because "I found Debian to be the most liberal
distribution available. It contains the greatest amount of free
software and it is a dynamic distribution. No one person dictates on
what should and should not be included.  "

Adam wants to package software for Debian and to fix bugs.

Philosophy & Procedures

Adam correctly answered my questions.  He passed the P&P check in
early 2002 so this check was done using an old template.  The answers
were sufficiently complete that I didn't feel the need to send out a
new template.

Adam agreed to the social contract and the DMUP.

Tasks & Skills

Adam started the application process back in January of 2002.  At that
time he was doing a reasonable job of patching upstream problems but
had some difficulty with Debian packaging.  I specifically remember
problems with shared libraries in multiple packages.  After a while
going back and forth, I suggested that Adam gain some more experience
with Debian packaging.

Since then Adam has been maintaining several packages including jikes.
Initially it was somewhat rough, but Adam has learned a lot in the
last year.  Based on looking at jikes changelogs and bug lists for all
of Adam's packages, I believe he has satisfied tasks and skills by
successfully being a Debian maintainer in fact if not in name for
several months.


I recommend Adam Majer be accepted as a Debian developer.

login: adamm
email: adamm@galacticasoftware.com

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