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AM summary for Stephen Peters

Summary for Stephen Peters <portnoy@portnoy.org>


Stephen's key is signed by Debian developer Chris Hanson.

pub  1024D/5BB64BBE 2000-05-19 Stephen Peters <portnoy@alum.mit.edu>
sig!       5BB64BBE 2000-05-19  Stephen Peters <portnoy@alum.mit.edu>
sig!       150A4CFB 2000-05-20  talkas01@tufts.edu
sig!       1B352C01 2002-07-15  Chris Hanson <cph@zurich.ai.mit.edu>
uid                            Stephen Peters <portnoy@portnoy.org>
sig!       5BB64BBE 2000-05-19  Stephen Peters <portnoy@alum.mit.edu>
sig!       150A4CFB 2000-05-20  talkas01@tufts.edu
sig!       1B352C01 2002-07-15  Chris Hanson <cph@zurich.ai.mit.edu>
uid                            Stephen Peters <speters@mit.edu>
sig!       5BB64BBE 2000-05-19  Stephen Peters <portnoy@alum.mit.edu>
sig!       150A4CFB 2000-05-20  talkas01@tufts.edu
sig!       1B352C01 2002-07-15  Chris Hanson <cph@zurich.ai.mit.edu>
uid                            Stephen Peters <portnoy@ai.mit.edu>
sig!       5BB64BBE 2000-05-19  Stephen Peters <portnoy@alum.mit.edu>
sig!       150A4CFB 2000-05-20  talkas01@tufts.edu
sig!       1B352C01 2002-07-15  Chris Hanson <cph@zurich.ai.mit.edu>
sub  2048g/0792B5DE 2000-05-19
sig!       5BB64BBE 2000-05-19  Stephen Peters <portnoy@alum.mit.edu>

Philosophy & Procedures
Stephen is aware of Debian's philosophy and understands the Social
Contract and DFSG. He's able to explain these in his own words and also
apply them to pieces of software to work out if they're free or not. He
understands how to work the BTS and the various pieces of procedure
involved with being a Debian developer such as NMUing.

Tasks & Skills
Stephen has been working on the existing cocoon2 packages for Debian. I
looked at a couple of pieces of his work, tomcat-xvfb & xml-commons.
There were a couple of lintian problems which Stephen fixed quickly and
efficiently. He's also contributed to many other Free software projects
including Emacs W3, a MySQL backend for the GNUstep DB projects and
various others.

I recommend that Stephen be accepted as a Debian maintainer.

Debian login: portnoy
Forwarding email: portnoy@portnoy.org


  I'm lost, but I'm still making   |  .''`.  Debian GNU/Linux Developer
         pretty good time!         | : :' :  Happy to accept PGP signed
                                   | `. `'   or encrypted mail - RSA +
                                   |   `-    DSA keys on the keyservers.

Attachment: pgpYKccg_7NPL.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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