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AM report for Cyril Bouthors

Summary for Cyril Bouthors <cyril@bouthors.org>


Quoting Cyril himself:

I'm living in France and working as a System Administrator for one of
the 3 biggest ISP's in Europe. The team I manage and I have designed
and built a multi geographic site, multi brand, multi domain,
distributed and high performance architecture: 500 000 accounts,
100Mb/s traffic, 1 000 hits/s, 40 servers.


Cyrils key is signed by Igor Genibel <igenibel@debian.org>:

pub  1024D/EAAC62DF 2001-09-17 Cyril Bouthors (APRIL project) <cbouthors@april.org>
sig!       B4C5F37F 2001-09-30  Olivier Berger (GNU Project) <oberger@gnu.org>
sig!       EAAC62DF 2001-09-29  Cyril Bouthors (APRIL project) <cbouthors@april.org>
sig!       15E92319 2001-09-30  Aurelien Beaujean <aurelien@beaujean.org>
sig!       9D735B4F 2001-10-09  Igor Genibel <igenibel@debian.org>
sig!       AFD10ACF 2001-10-01  Frederic Couchet (FSF Europe) <FredericCouchet@fsfeurope.org>
uid                            Cyril Bouthors <cyril@bouthors.org>
sig!       B4C5F37F 2001-09-30  Olivier Berger (GNU Project) <oberger@gnu.org>
sig!       EAAC62DF 2001-09-17  Cyril Bouthors (APRIL project) <cbouthors@april.org>
sig!       15E92319 2001-09-29  Aurelien Beaujean <aurelien@beaujean.org>
sig!       72F1F20D 2001-09-29  Rodolphe Quiédeville (Travaillons Libre) <rq@lolix.org>
sig!       9D735B4F 2001-10-09  Igor Genibel <igenibel@debian.org>
sig!       0172CB50 2001-09-29  Arnaud Fontaine <arnaud@tchooze.com>
sig!       AFD10ACF 2001-10-01  Frederic Couchet (FSF Europe) <FredericCouchet@fsfeurope.org>
uid                            Cyril Bouthors (GNU Project) <cyb@gnu.org>
sig!       B4C5F37F 2001-09-30  Olivier Berger (GNU Project) <oberger@gnu.org>
sig!       EAAC62DF 2001-09-29  Cyril Bouthors (APRIL project) <cbouthors@april.org>
sig!       15E92319 2001-09-30  Aurelien Beaujean <aurelien@beaujean.org>
sig!       9D735B4F 2001-10-09  Igor Genibel <igenibel@debian.org>
sig!       AFD10ACF 2001-10-01  Frederic Couchet (FSF Europe) <FredericCouchet@fsfeurope.org>
sub  1024g/82B51430 2001-09-17
sig!       EAAC62DF 2001-09-17  Cyril Bouthors (APRIL project) <cbouthors@april.org>

Philosophy & Procedures

Cyril understands Debians Philosophy and agrees with it. He answered
my questions about the DFSG, the Social Contract, NMUs, the BTS and
some more to my satisfaction.

Tasks & Skills

Cyril packaged nss-multidomain, which was uploaded recently.


Debian login: cyb
Forwarding email: cyril@bouthors.org

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