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AM summary for Stephen Marenka

Summary for Stephen Marenka <stephen@marenka.net>


Stephen is an electrical engineer and lives at Alabama, USA. He has been
toying with Linux since mid-90's and have large experiencie with free
software (even before starting with Linux).

He works actively on Linux and has been helping the PPC Debian team for
a time, working on the autobuilder and boot floppies.


Stephen's key signed by Stevie Strickland

pub  1024D/B62849B3 2001-04-17 Stephen R. Marenka <stephen@marenka.net>
sig        B62849B3 2001-04-17  Stephen R. Marenka <stephen@marenka.net>
sig        AE7637D9 2001-09-18  Stevie Strickland <sstrick@debian.org>
sub  1024g/BBAB0A71 2001-04-17
sig        B62849B3 2001-04-17  Stephen R. Marenka <stephen@marenka.net>

Philosophy & Procedures

Stephen understands and agrees with Debian's philosophy. He could
answer my questions about the BTS, NMUs and various other things to my

Tasks & Skills

As I said in his background, Stephen wants to volunteer working in the
Debugging and Testing, and Infraestructure areas. He has been proved his
skills in these areas for some time.

He has a number of contributions to the boot-floppies, and is helping with
the PPC team (a couple of developers recommended him when questioned)
working on the failed build logs for from the autobuilder.

He has been an active contributor to the BTS, not only with bug notices,
but sometimes with patches or description for fixes.


I recommend Stephen be accepted as a Debian developer.

Debian login: smarenka
Forwarding email: stephen@marenka.net

Attachment: pgpBMnW4kCQxj.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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