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AM Report for Aurelien Beaujean

AM Report for Aurelien Beaujean
Applicant Information:

Name: Aurelien Beaujean
Current Email: beaujean@efrei.fr
Preferred Debian Account Name: aure@debian.org to be forwarded 
to beaujean@efrei.fr.
Subscription Email to -private: beaujean@efrei.fr

Summary: I am happy to recommend the acceptance of Aurelien as a Debian

Aurelien provided the following GPG key (attached):

pub  1024D/15E92319 2001-09-06 Aurelien Beaujean <aurelien@beaujean.org>
sig!       15E92319 2001-09-06  Aurelien Beaujean <aurelien@beaujean.org>
sig?       22F38AF3 2001-09-07  
sig?       904BE741 2001-09-07  
sig?       603CD078 2001-09-07  
sig?       F8DC1177 2001-09-07  
sig?       0EA65BA2 2001-09-10  
sig!       578CB542 2001-09-12  Guillaume Morin <guillaume@morinfr.org>
sig?       690B4E07 2001-09-12  
sig?       EAAC62DF 2001-09-17  
sig?       D0AB4075 2001-09-29  
sig?       2B847E55 2001-09-29  
sig?       A0BB3DEB 2001-09-29  
sig?       C03C56DF 2001-09-29  
sig?       7BB9AE30 2001-09-29  
sig?       1C32A1B7 2001-09-29  
sig!       8BAFCDBD 2001-09-07  Neal H Walfield <neal@gnu.org>
uid                            Aurelien Beaujean <aure@dagobah.eu.org>
sig!       15E92319 2001-09-06  Aurelien Beaujean <aurelien@beaujean.org>
sig?       22F38AF3 2001-09-07  
sig?       F8DC1177 2001-09-07  
sig?       0EA65BA2 2001-09-10  
sig!       578CB542 2001-09-12  Guillaume Morin <guillaume@morinfr.org>
sig?       690B4E07 2001-09-12  
sig?       EAAC62DF 2001-09-17  
sig?       D0AB4075 2001-09-29  
sig?       2B847E55 2001-09-29  
sig?       C03C56DF 2001-09-29  
sig?       7BB9AE30 2001-09-29  
sig?       1C32A1B7 2001-09-29  
sig!       8BAFCDBD 2001-09-07  Neal H Walfield <neal@gnu.org>
sig?       0172CB50 2001-09-29  
uid                            Aurelien Beaujean <beaujean@efrei.fr>
sig!       15E92319 2001-09-06  Aurelien Beaujean <aurelien@beaujean.org>
sig?       22F38AF3 2001-09-07  
sig?       F8DC1177 2001-09-07  
ureliensig?       0EA65BA2 2001-09-10  
sig!       578CB542 2001-09-12  Guillaume Morin <guillaume@morinfr.org>
sig?       690B4E07 2001-09-12  
sig?       EAAC62DF 2001-09-17  
sig?       D0AB4075 2001-09-29  
sig?       2B847E55 2001-09-29  
sig?       C03C56DF 2001-09-29  
sig?       7BB9AE30 2001-09-29  
sig?       1C32A1B7 2001-09-29  
sig!       8BAFCDBD 2001-09-07  Neal H Walfield <neal@gnu.org>
sub  1024g/1EBD36EF 2001-09-06
sig!       15E92319 2001-09-06  A Beaujean <aurelien@beaujean.org>

pub  1024D/15E92319 2001-09-06 Aurelien Beaujean <aurelien@beaujean.org>
sig!       15E92319 2001-09-06  Aurelien Beaujean <aurelien@beaujean.org>
sig?       22F38AF3 2001-09-07  
sig?       904BE741 2001-09-07  
sig?       603CD078 2001-09-07  
sig?       F8DC1177 2001-09-07  
sig?       0EA65BA2 2001-09-10  
sig!       578CB542 2001-09-12  Guillaume Morin <guillaume@morinfr.org>
sig?       690B4E07 2001-09-12  
sig?       EAAC62DF 2001-09-17  
sig?       D0AB4075 2001-09-29  
sig?       2B847E55 2001-09-29  
sig?       A0BB3DEB 2001-09-29  
sig?       C03C56DF 2001-09-29  
sig?       7BB9AE30 2001-09-29  
sig?       1C32A1B7 2001-09-29  
sig!       8BAFCDBD 2001-09-07  Neal H Walfield <neal@gnu.org>
uid                            Aurelien Beaujean <aure@dagobah.eu.org>
sig!       15E92319 2001-09-06  Aurelien Beaujean <aurelien@beaujean.org>
sig?       22F38AF3 2001-09-07  
sig?       F8DC1177 2001-09-07  
sig?       0EA65BA2 2001-09-10  
sig!       578CB542 2001-09-12  Guillaume Morin <guillaume@morinfr.org>
sig?       690B4E07 2001-09-12  
sig?       EAAC62DF 2001-09-17  
sig?       D0AB4075 2001-09-29  
sig?       2B847E55 2001-09-29  
sig?       C03C56DF 2001-09-29  
sig?       7BB9AE30 2001-09-29  
sig?       1C32A1B7 2001-09-29  
sig!       8BAFCDBD 2001-09-07  Neal H Walfield <neal@gnu.org>
sig?       0172CB50 2001-09-29  
uid                            Aurelien Beaujean <beaujean@efrei.fr>
sig!       15E92319 2001-09-06  Aurelien Beaujean <aurelien@beaujean.org>
sig?       22F38AF3 2001-09-07  
sig?       F8DC1177 2001-09-07  
sig?       0EA65BA2 2001-09-10  
sig!       578CB542 2001-09-12  Guillaume Morin <guillaume@morinfr.org>
sig?       690B4E07 2001-09-12  
sig?       EAAC62DF 2001-09-17  
sig?       D0AB4075 2001-09-29  
sig?       2B847E55 2001-09-29  
sig?       C03C56DF 2001-09-29  
sig?       7BB9AE30 2001-09-29  
sig?       1C32A1B7 2001-09-29  
sig!       8BAFCDBD 2001-09-07  Neal H Walfield <neal@gnu.org>
sub  1024g/1EBD36EF 2001-09-06
sig!       15E92319 2001-09-06  Aurelien Beaujean <aurelien@beaujean.org>

It is signed by Guillaume Morin and Neal Walfield, whose keys matches
what is held in db.debian.org.

Identification Check Passed

Policy and Procedures

Aurelien and I discussed the Social Contract and the DFSG. He
demonstrated to me that he understands the principles and extent of
these documents, and that he is aware of the responsibilities of a
debian maintainer. He also explicitly agreed to abide by the DMUP. He
also answered some questions on copyrights and licenses to my

Policy and Procedures Check Passed

Tasks and Skills

Aurelien already has a sponsored package in unstable - gftp, which he
has recently adopted from Josip Rodin. His sponsor for gftp is Amaya
<amaya@debian.org>, who certainly has mentored him well (see bug
#109220). He has implemented her suggestions well. I took a close look
at his gftp package and find it lintian clean and satisfactory. He
also packaged xlhtml, which however has been already taken up by
somebody else.

His advocate Josip Rodin has the following to say about him

He's taking over gftp from me. He's made updates to the package and
they seem to be fine.

Aurelien has read through the documents covering the Debian BTS.  He
wants to be involved in maintaining packages. He has used debian for 4
years and is a sysadmin in his school. All in all, I think Aurelien
shows adequate skills necessary to be a debian developer and will make
a good addition to the debian developer community.

Gopal Narayanan <gopal@debian.org> <gopal@astro.umass.edu>
Debian GNU/Linux Developer
Dept. of Astronomy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Attachment: pgpQm7RS_f1yz.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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