Report for applicant Mats Rynge <> Summary: I recommend that Debian accept Mats's application Identification -------------------------- pub 1024D/81C2A4AC 2002-08-18 Mats Rynge <> sig!3 81C2A4AC 2002-08-18 Mats Rynge <> sig! 69A8D866 2002-08-20 Dan Helfman <> sub 2048g/020D0537 2002-08-18 [expires: 2004-08-17] sig! 81C2A4AC 2002-08-18 Mats Rynge <> Mats's key is signed by Dan Helfman. ID check passed. In addition I pointed out to him that he is not very well connected. He agreed and he and Dan have made plans to do some more keysignings with other developers during Linux Expo on November 2nd. He certainly clearly understood the problem and knew the importance of the Web of Trust and the connections in it. Background -------------------------- Mats writes about himself: | About me: I'm 25 years old and I am originally from Sweden. For about | five years ago I moved to Los Angeles with my girlfriend and went back | to school. At the moment I'm attending my last quarter as a CS undergrad | at UCLA. I also work part time for School of Engineering porting free | software to AIX ( Our packages are | simple tar.gz's, and we do not have to worry about the base system, | but the porting part is more challenging. I basically see it as a good | experinece for becoming a Debian developer. | | I'm an officer of the UCLA LUG (, in which I am | of course trying to convert everybody to Debian. :) Just in our lounge | we have about 10 servers/users x86 boxes, one G4, and one SparcStation | running Debian. The next project is an SGI box that was donated by the | CS department... | | I was introduced to Linux around 1995 (IIRC...). I went to a small | computer convention and saw Linux running X and the app that really | impressed me was xdaliclock (the one that "melts"). I bought a book that | included a Slackware CD. I got really hooked and it went from there to | Red Hat and then Debian 1.3. | | I also started the website, which I ran for a | couple of years. It was then aquired by, and they shut it | down for about a year ago. | | So, I do feel that it is time to give something back to Debian and the | Debian community. As you can tell, I already give up a lot of time to | Linux and open source/free software, and the basic reason behind it is | of course that I really like the mentality of open source. Philosophy & Procedures -------------------------- Mats clearly understand and agrees with the Debian Social Contract, DFSG and DMUP. He agreed to abide by them. He clearly and correctly answered all of questions from version 1.21 of the nm_pp.txt file located under 'NM Stuff'/templates at: as well as all follow-up questions I had. He also went through the process of changing a RFP to an ITP and interacted with the Debian BTS in that regard. P&P check passed. Tasks & Skills -------------------------- Mats packaged xstow, a program similar to GNU Stow which manages the installation of software packages. I went into detailed discussion with him on the packaging job he did and he went through a few iterations, clearly learning and understanding along the way. He also answered all of the questions from version 1.8 of nm_ts.txt file located under 'NM Stuff'/templates at: as well as the few follow-up questions I had for him. His package passed lintian and linda checks and my careful critique of it. T&S check passed. Conclusion -------------------------- Mats is an excellent candidate and brings a great deal of expertise in software as well as a pair of hands and a very captive and intelligent mind to Debian. I look forward to him becoming a Debian developer, and I think we all should. I whole-heartedly support, encourage and recommend his addition to Debian's developer community. I forward his application with that support and recommendation. Stephen Frost Application Manager
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