AM report on Michael Schiansky <> ===================================================== Michael writes about himself: ----------------------------- back in 96 i finished my apprenticeship at siemens in munich. there i was teached in sco unix and sinix. [...] since more than a year i use debian potato, woody (as it was testing) and now sarge. i'm responsible admin on about 10 servers and workstation. some of them in use for more than 1000 days. they are located at home, at university, at client-side and at an ISP. i want to join debian to give back something that others gave me: a chance to get high qualitiy software freely. Advocate: --------- Michael's application has been advocated by his sponsor, Erich Schubert: I know Michael Schiansky for quite some time on IRC, and i've gained much from that contact. Friends of mine know him in person, and i'm going to meet him soon (after all we live at the same town ;) I'm quite sure that he is a skilled developer ;) Right now, i'm preparing a sponsored upload of mp3c with him. Identity: --------- Michael's key is signed by debian member Erich Schubert: pub 1024D/9456ADE2 2000-10-01 Michael Schiansky <> sig!3 4B3A135C 2002-08-23 Erich Schubert <> sig!3 9456ADE2 2000-10-01 Michael Schiansky <> sub 4096g/11CCDEC1 2000-10-01 sig! 9456ADE2 2000-10-01 Michael Schiansky <> ID check passed. Philosophy&Procedures: ---------------------- Michael knows our philosophy and agrees to it. He answered my questions concerning licences and proecedures to my complete satisfaction. PP passed. Tasks&Skills: ------------- Michael has packaged mp3c. The package is in the debian archives through the sponsorship of Erich Schubert. Since upstream mp3c depends on non-free software (lame, an mp3 encoder), Michael replaced it by an ogg/vorbis encoder which is available in debian. I found the package well done. When I asked Michael to repackage his package without the use of debhelper, he produced quickly a flawless solution. TS passed. Evaluation and Check In: ------------------------ Michael agrees to abide by the DMUP. I'm happy to recommend Michael Schiansky as a new debian member. Preferred login: ms Email forward to: -Ralf Treinen --
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