HI Report for new developer applicant Hugo Espuny <hec@espuny.net>: 1. Identification & Background ------------------------------ Check with Keyid 0xE8074ECF: ID Check passed, Key signed from 2 existing DD, rover@ and cespedes@ debian.org. Output from gpg --check-sigs 0xE8074ECF pub 1024D/E8074ECF 2002-06-28 Hugo Espuny <hec@espuny.net> Key fingerprint = D324 3DC4 1F2A 0936 DEB9 A4D9 D24A 8237 E807 4ECF sig! 88784703 2002-07-02 Juan Cespedes <juan@cespedes.org> sig!3 F5C9708D 2002-07-02 Roberto A. Lumbreras <rover@TheHackers.org> sig!3 E8074ECF 2002-06-28 Hugo Espuny <hec@espuny.net> sig!3 E8074ECF 2002-06-28 Hugo Espuny <hec@espuny.net> sig!3 E8074ECF 2002-09-20 Hugo Espuny <hec@espuny.net> uid Hugo Espuny <hec@espuny.tv> sig!3 E8074ECF 2002-09-03 Hugo Espuny <hec@espuny.net> sig!3 E8074ECF 2002-09-20 Hugo Espuny <hec@espuny.net> uid Hugo Espuny <hugo@hugo.ws> sig!3 E8074ECF 2002-09-20 Hugo Espuny <hec@espuny.net> uid Hugo Espuny <hec@riosa.com> sig!3 E8074ECF 2002-09-20 Hugo Espuny <hec@espuny.net> uid Hugo Espuny <hec@dat.etsit.upm.es> sig!3 E8074ECF 2002-09-20 Hugo Espuny <hec@espuny.net> sub 1024g/2953AFAB 2002-06-28 sig! E8074ECF 2002-06-28 Hugo Espuny <hec@espuny.net> sig! E8074ECF 2002-09-20 Hugo Espuny <hec@espuny.net> Applicant writes: --8<------------------------schnipp------------------------->8--- I am a Debian user since 1996, and I am 30 years old. I am sysadmin for several machines at Universiy (ETSIT, UPM, http://www.etsit.upm.es) and for a commercial enterprise. I am also the webmastr of these machines. I am also programing in several computer languages. Some years ago i got the idea of contibute in some way to Debian, as i was using Debian systems all the time, taking advatage of its superior features, but helping back nothing. So these is my feed back to the Open source community for these yars of no money costing enjoying Debian. --8<------------------------schnapp------------------------->8--- 2. Philosophy and Procedures ----------------------------- Hugo has a good understanding of Debians Philosophy and Procedures. He answered all my Questions from my not-so-small template without problems. 3. Tasks and Skills ------------------- Hugo is Maintainer of phpnuke and postnuke, both in Sid. I used phpnuke for T&S, and as usual asked for a debhelper-less version (and some other changes). He built a good package. He also answered my other Questions regarding T&S without problems. 4. Recommendation ----------------- I recommend to accept him as a Debian Developer. Account: hec Forward-Email: hec@espuny.net -- begin OjE-ist-scheisse.txt bye, Joerg Encrypted Mail preferred! Registered Linux User #97793 @ http://counter.li.org end
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