Report on ChoJin <>
Report for new developer applicant ChoJin <>
1. Identification & Background
Check with key-id 28369018
ID check passed; key signed by 1 current developer.
$ gpg --check-sigs 28369018
pub 1024D/28369018 2002-08-10 Quôc Peyrot <>
sig!3 28369018 2002-09-21 Quôc Peyrot <>
uid Quôc Peyrot (A.K.A ChoJin) <>sig!3 28369018 2002-08-10 Quôc Peyrot <>
sig!2 DD982A75 2002-08-11 Julien LEMOINE <>
sub 2048g/D2BFDA60 2002-08-10
sig! 28369018 2002-08-10 Quôc Peyrot <>
ChoJin says:
Ok, I'm Quôc Peyrot (Quôc is my firstname just in case you are wondering
;) ) and I am packaging with Julien Lemoine a bunch of GPL software about
automatic program transformation (see cwi-* package); these programs are
from differents R&D Laboratory (the main is CWI
Unfortunatly they are often difficult to install and we found, with Julien
Lemoine, to be usefull to make package in order to help other people to
use these wonderfull tools. Some bugs were encountered, fixed and reported
to authors. There are a lot of package to make to provide all their
"program transformation tool", and as I use intensively these tools we
figured out I can help maintaining these packages. I am co-maintainer of
all cwi-* package (and maintainer of cwi-boxenv, my first package) which
can be found in unstable release.
About my how I came to Linux: in my school (EPITA, same as Julien Lemoine)
we are *nix oriented. In January 2001 I entered in LRDE (EPITA Research &
Developpment Laboratory) which is clearly free software oriented. All
computer are using Debian and I have the pleasure to work in this
laboratory with some "free community renowned" men: Akim Demaille (who
maintains Autoconf, bison, a2ps ...), Guillaume-Alexandre Duret-Lutz (who
maintains automake), Didier Verna (xemacs, curve ...). In this laboratory
we are working on Olena, a generic image processing library under GPL
liscence. As you can see, since 1 year and half, I'm trying to be involve
more and more in free software community and as you can expect I really
like free software philosophy, and I would like to continue to increase my
help in this community.
You can see our laboratory work and member at (if
it doesn't work try since we are encountered
some connection problems. and
His advocate, Julien LEMOINE <>:
Quoc Peyrot is an engineer studiant, he uses debian since 2000. he
currently works in a research laboratory, LRDE (Laboratoire de
Recherche et de Developpement de L'EPITA in France), where he works
whith Akim Demaille(Bison, Autoconf and a2ps maintainer), Didier
Verna(Xemacs maintainer), alexandre duretz(automake maintainer), and
other guys on free softwares like olena (a Generic image processing
library). He will help Debian project with his competences and his
relations with free softwares maintainers.
2. Philosophy and Procedures
ChoJin answered all of the standard questions about philosophy and
procedures to an excellent standard. He promised to keep to the DMUP
and to uphold the Social Contract and DFSG.
3. Tasks and Skills
The applicant has one package in Debian, cwi-boxenv. He fixed three
trivial problems with the package perfectly, and it now appears to be
to a very high standard.
I asked him to produce a debhelper-free package of cwi-boxenv which he
did in an inventive and unusual way, actually re-implementing much of
debhelper generically in debian/rules.
4. Recommendation
I wholeheartedly recommend that ChoJin be made a Debian Developer.
Account-name: chojin
Debian-private forward:
Andrew Stribblehill <>
Systems programmer, IT Service, University of Durham, England
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