Hi Report for new developer applicant Michael Cardenas <michaelc@lindows.com>: 1. Identification & Background ------------------------------ Check with Keyid 0x398A0C4A: ID Check passed, Key signed from 1 existing DD, jaqque@debian.org (Well, not with the key in the keyring, with his other key. But both keys from jaqque are with the same Name/Email data and the one in the keyring signed the other key (and vice versa). James once said this is ok, so ID is passed. Output from gpg --check-sigs 0x398A0C4A pub 1024D/398A0C4A 2002-08-01 Michael Cardenas <michaelc@lindows.com> Key fingerprint = 4577 02F3 AC9E D41E AFB6 E4CF D7D7 41F8 398A 0C4A sig!3 398A0C4A 2002-08-01 Michael Cardenas <michaelc@lindows.com> sig!3 FF9DD9B4 2002-08-09 John H. Robinson, IV <jhriv@ucsd.edu> sub 2048g/CA625146 2002-08-01 sig! 398A0C4A 2002-08-01 Michael Cardenas <michaelc@lindows.com> Comments about Applicant and what he writes: --8<------------------------schnipp------------------------->8--- About myself, I work full time for Lindows.com as one of two lead software engineers. Lindows.com is attempting to produce an easy to use desktop linux distribution. Working at Lindows.com I have had the opportunity to work on many different free software projects including wine, kde and debian. I have produced a number of debian packages for use within lindowsOS (and the source is available from our website) including our kernel image, kernel source, and kernel headers packages. I've worked extensively on our wine package, and a number of other miscellaneous packages such as our ibm jre, kreatecd, a simple system for backing up .kde directories, and a few others. [...] My decision to join the Debian project came when I had the good fortune to attend Debconf2 for Lindows.com. At the conference I realized that the debian community is incredibly passionate and diverse. I met some really incredible people at Debconf2 and decided that since I have so much experience with Debian at work, I should volunteer my time to improve the project. The community was immediately receptive of me, and Mako volunteered to be my sponsor almost immediately. Since reading the Debian literature I've realized the importance of working on Debian, since it is the only free distribution in the world. I feel I can contribute a lot because I have experience from Lindows.com in making a distribution, and because I am a talented programmer with a lot of experience. I want to do part 2 of the Social contract and give back to the community as much as possible. I intend to write code, package software, and report any bugs I find. I've already become involved with the debian-installer group, and I wrote a gtk front end for debian-installer. It is already in cvs if you want to see it. [...] One more thing I wat to say about why I want to volunteer my time. I definitely see participation in the free software community as a form of social activism, wether it be writing software, advocating it, or just reporting bugs. Richard Stallman said in an interview once that the important battle of our generation is the battle to wrest our freedom back from the hands of corporations. I firmly believe that this is true. I believe that we are at a major tunrning point in history and humanity can choose to either use technology to educate themselves and fight what is happening, or continue to let the rich elite use technology to extend their power and control even further into our lives. I also believe that the internet is the social equivalent of the printing press, and that freedom will win, but only with a lot of blood, sweat and tears. --8<------------------------schnapp------------------------->8--- 2. Philosophy and Procedures ----------------------------- Michael has a very good understanding of Debians Philosophy and Procedures. He answered all my Questions about Social Contract, DFSG, BTS etc. in a good way. 3. Tasks and Skills ------------------- Michael is Maintainer of limewire (contrib/net, new in queue) and imapfilter. He packaged limewire, a "Java based gnutella servent" without debhelper and also fixed a segfault at build time that this java crap ant tool had on my system. He also answered my other Questions (and i have many of them) regarding T&S without problems. 4. Recommendation ----------------- I recommend to accept him as a Debian Developer. Account: mbc Forward-Email: michaelc@lindows.com -- begin OjE-ist-scheisse.txt bye, Joerg Encrypted Mail preferred! Registered Linux User #97793 @ http://counter.li.org end
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