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AM report for Sebastien J. Gross

Summary for Sebastien J. Gross

pub  1024D/53BBA490 2001-08-27 Sebastien J. Gross <seb@sjgross.org>
sig!       53BBA490 2001-08-27  Sebastien J. Gross <seb@sjgross.org>
sig!       9D735B4F 2001-08-27  Igor Genibel <igor@gnu.org>
sig?       96EB1C44 2001-08-27  
sig?       9C81452B 2001-08-29  
sig?       E0EB1D81 2001-09-09  
sub  1024g/AF0DDC9A 2001-08-27
sig!       53BBA490 2001-08-27  Sebastien J. Gross <seb@sjgross.org>

He is using Debian GNU/Linux for about 3 years. Actually he manage (with
some friends) TuxFamily.org which is a free projects hosting service.

On their plateform they find some very interresting applications.
Sometimes, those applications are only released with their sources.
Thus he would help people to promote their software as long as it is
free software.

His first contact with linux was when he was student. He worked on UNIX
workstations but he couldn't afford one. He found a linux (a slackwre)
with a magazine, installed it and enjoyed. The fact the source was
release with the software helped me for his studies.  He could see how
to do this or that.

Philosophy & Procedures

Sebastien understands Debian's philosophy and policy and agrees with
them.  Same is for DMUP.

Tasks & Skills

Sebastien answered correctly all the questions about Tasks & Skills.
Moreover, he already made three good packages, they are downloadable from


I recommend that Sebastien be accepted as a Debian maintainer.

Debian login: sjg
Forwarding email: seb@sjgross.org

-----[ Domenico Andreoli, aka cavok
 --[ http://filibusta.crema.unimi.it/~cavok/gpgkey.asc
   ---[ 3A0F 2F80 F79C 678A 8936  4FEE 0677 9033 A20E BC50

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