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AM Report for Jens Peter Secher

AM Report for Jens Peter Secher

Applicant Information:

Name: Jens Peter Secher
Current Email: jpsecher@diku.dk
Preferred Debian Account Name: jps forwarded to jpsecher@diku.dk

Summary: I am happy to recommend the acceptance of Jens Peter Secher as
a Debian Maintainer.


The Applicant has provided the following GPG key (attached):

lucaf% gpg --check-sigs FE63E8A1
pub  1024D/FE63E8A1 2001-11-12 Jens Peter Secher <jpsecher@get2net.dk>
sig!3       FE63E8A1 2002-02-28   Jens Peter Secher <jpsecher@get2net.dk>
sig!3       C02440B8 2002-08-19   Jonas Smedegaard <js@debian.org>
uid                            Jens Peter Secher <jpsecher@diku.dk>
sig!3       FE63E8A1 2001-11-12   Jens Peter Secher <jpsecher@get2net.dk>
sig!        04379F48 2001-11-12   New key is DD6A 05B0 174E BFB2 D4D9 B52E 0EE5 978A FE63 E8A1 (key 04379F48 stolen)
sig!        93771CC7 2001-11-16   Henning Niss <hniss@diku.dk>
sig!3       C02440B8 2002-08-19   Jonas Smedegaard <js@debian.org>
uid                            Jens Peter Secher (25-08-1971)
sig!3       FE63E8A1 2002-02-28   Jens Peter Secher <jpsecher@get2net.dk>
sig!3       C02440B8 2002-08-19   Jonas Smedegaard <js@debian.org>
uid                            [revoked] Jens Peter Secher <jpsecher@mailme.dk>
rev!        FE63E8A1 2002-08-19   Jens Peter Secher <jpsecher@get2net.dk>
sig!3       FE63E8A1 2001-11-12   Jens Peter Secher <jpsecher@get2net.dk>
sig!        93771CC7 2001-11-16   Henning Niss <hniss@diku.dk>
uid                            [jpeg image of size 3177]
sig!3       FE63E8A1 2002-08-22   Jens Peter Secher <jpsecher@get2net.dk>
sub  1280g/590A2B70 2001-11-12
sig!        FE63E8A1 2001-11-12   Jens Peter Secher <jpsecher@get2net.dk>

It is signed by Jonas Smedegaard, who is a debian developer.

Identification Check Passed

Policy and Procedures

Jens agrees with the Social Contract, the DFSG and the DMUP.  Over the
exchange of a couple of emails, he demonstrated to me that he
understands the principles and extent of these documents, and that he is
aware of the responsibilities of a debian maintainer.  His answers to my
questions on copyrights and licenses convinces me that he knows what is
"free" and "non-free". 

Policy and Procedures Check Passed

Tasks and Skills

Jens is the maintainer of several unofficial and a few sponsored
packages.  Specifically, he maintains the following sponsored packages:
changetrack, sml-mod, ifile, and libfile-ncopy-perl.  I have reviewed
changetrack and, while simple, it is satisfactorily packaged.  Beyond
package maintenance, he professes a desire to 'put prehooks into [apt]'.
Being a postdoc in Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen
(DIKU), I'm confident he has the requisite skills to accomplish this
(note that he is the upstream author of cmix, a Debian package).

Luca Filipozzi
gpgkey 5A827A2D - A149 97BD 188C 7F29 779E  09C1 3573 32C4 5A82 7A2D

Attachment: pgpOh9pNL8eIe.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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