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AM Report for Pedro Zorzenon Neto

This is Pedro Zorzenon Neto's private AM report.

Pedro got introduced into Free Software in 1999, when he contacted
some evangelists in his university. He liked the FS philosophy and
joined the NSL-USP, (Nucleo de Software Livre - Universidade de Sao
Paulo), the Free Software User Group in his university, which organizes
talks, etc.
He currenty works in his own company (www.autsens.com), where they try
to license all their developments under a DFSG-free license. One example
is his initial package, avrprog.
Pedro has also written some howto's in the past, like "mutt-gpg" or

His reply to the initial contact is attached to this mail, while some
bits have been cut off (snail mail address, etc), per request. As he
sent it encrypted, I had to dump it into a file.

2. Identification
Pedro's key is signed by his advocate, Gustavo Noronha Silva (kov):
3038:jordi@nubol:~$ gpg --check-sigs pedro
pub  1024D/7274AA07 2000-11-06 Pedro Zorzenon Neto <pzn@zaz.com.br>
sig!       7274AA07 2001-07-02  Pedro Zorzenon Neto <pzn@zaz.com.br>
sig!       882A6C4B 2001-06-28  Gustavo Noronha Silva (KoV)
uid                            Pedro Zorzenon Neto <pzn@terra.com.br>
sig!       7274AA07 2001-07-02  Pedro Zorzenon Neto <pzn@zaz.com.br>
sig!       882A6C4B 2001-06-28  Gustavo Noronha Silva (KoV)
uid                            Pedro Zorzenon Neto <pzn@autsens.com>
sig!       7274AA07 2001-07-02  Pedro Zorzenon Neto <pzn@zaz.com.br>
sig!       882A6C4B 2001-06-28  Gustavo Noronha Silva (KoV)
sub  2048g/1018E787 2000-11-06
sig!       7274AA07 2001-07-02  Pedro Zorzenon Neto <pzn@zaz.com.br>

His key is attached to this mail.
Identification passed.

3. Philosophy and Procedures
Pedro answered a P&P template very well, showing good understanding of
licensing issues, free beer/speech, Social Contract and DFSG. He was
aware of the BTS usage and NMU procedures.
He explicitly agreed to abide to the DMUP and DFSG.

His reply to the template is attached too.

P&P passed.

4. Tasks and Skills
Pedro packaged avrprogs, a program developed by his company:
Description: Programmer for Atmel AVR microcontrollers
 Programmer for Atmel AVR microcontrolers that uses PC parallel port
 to program the device in serial mode. The device can be programmed
 "in-system". It comes with a schematic of the hardware required.
 The hardware was designed to be efficient and unexpensive.

The package was well done and had no outstanding issues.
The only doubt was about dpkg-statoverride's usage, which he solved
after discussing with me and kov.

T&S passed.


I happily recommend that Pedro is accepted in Debian.

Account Information
Debian account "pzn", forwarded to pzn@terra.com.br.

Jordi Mallach Pérez || jordi@pusa.informat.uv.es || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in    || jordi@sindominio.net      || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || jordi@debian.org          || http://debian.org

http://sindominio.net  GnuPG public information:      pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet pusa.uv.es 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

--- Begin Message ---
Hi, Jordi!

I hope you'll find a very good CS school. My country has many good CS schools, but it seems far away from yours...

Let's go on...

On Fri, Jul 06, 2001 at 01:56:18AM +0200, Jordi Mallach wrote:
> > In the current avrprog that I still didn't finish (0.2.1-3), this
> > changes a little. debconf displays "text" and a "boolean" question.
> > How can I know which was the first version to support this features
> > to put in the depends?
> Hm, from the changelog. But I believe boolean and notes have been
> suported since the beginning.

I'll check changelog, than I can find if I'll take off the version depends
or if it is needed.

> > If you want I can send you the debian dir of 0.2.1-3 that is yet to
> > come. Just tell me and I'll send you.
> If it's finished, ok. If not, don't worry, finish it, upload it and I'll
> have a look when it's done. We have to do P&P still, so there's no need
> to hurry.

There are missing some templates in other languages... just waiting to
receive them by email, then I'll upload it.

> > Sorry... I just did that because I sent personal information in the
> > previous mail. The next mails will be signed only.
> Ok, do you mind if I extract your first mail into a clear file that I
> can send to the DAM? Is there any particular information you'd like to
> get stripped out of the final DAM report?

Ok. Send all the personal information you think is needed. I would like
that you encript e-mail to DAM that contains my personal information.
If you can't send encripted mails to DAM, don't worry... send them in
clear file.

> Below is P&P.

:-) Nice!

> We have to check that you understand the Social Contract and the Debian
> Free Software Guidelines (DFSG).  Have you read them?  If not, please
> do so.  You can find them in /usr/share/doc/debian or on
> http://www.debian.org
> First, please explain the key points of the Social Contract and the
> DFSG _in your own words_.

What I understood of the Social Contract key points:

- Debian will be 100% free software forever. It will give support to run
non-free software, but will never depend of any non-free software. It must
run perfectly without any non-free software. If I find a very important
(essencial to my work) software that is non-free, I should contact the
authors asking them to free it or in the last option start writing a free
similar software from scratch.

- We will help free software comunity, making new components free. Our
software will be of excelent quality, helping to spread free softwares and
it's philosophy. We will try to help the upstream authors to provide even
more better software to be packaged.

- The bugs will be of public view. This helps improve software security
(obscurity is a bad idea when making a "secure software"). To open the bug
report to public also helps ourselves, because anyone that knows the
protocol/implementation/anything better than us can send patches to fix
the bug.

- We will have our user needs as priority.

- Some users will require programs that are not considered free. Due to
this, there are "contrib" and "non-free" areas that contain this non-free
software. This softwares only use Debian infrastructure. They are not
really part of a Debian system.

Now, about DFGS:

Because there are many definitions of free software (with minor or major
differences), Debian has defined what means free software in it's point of
view (and mine too :-) ).

A free software MUST have some legal rights, which are:
   - Everyone must have access to the software source. Nobody/nogroup can
be discriminated in the license.

   - Everyone is free to modify the source code to fill its needs. This
modification can be direct modification in source code or restricted to
apply patches at the compile time.

   - You may distribute the program compiled or source without paying fees
and royalties. You may sell the program compiled (modified or not) in a
media; the person that bought it can use wherever he/she likes, copy and
sell again or copy and give gratis, without paying fees. The modified
version must have the right to be distributed with the same license of the
original one.

   - You may use the program without restriction of how many computers,
home/comercial/military/genetic/all-kinds-of usages must be allowed. Your
program must be allowed even to fire a nuclear bomb to empty the world. (It
should be responsability of other laws to deny this, but not your software
license - personally I wouldn't like anyone firing bombs...).

Adicionaly, DFSG tells that:

   - the software license must not restrict other softwares.

   - the software license must be the same if it is inside Debian
distribution or outside. you cannot restrict rights if the software is
taken out from Debian and used isolated in other system.

> Secondly, a few questions, based on them:
>  - Donald Knuth, author of TeX, insists that no-one has the right to
> modify the source code of TeX, and that any changes must be made using
> "change files" (a sort of patch file).  Is this allowed for a program
> for the main section of Debian?

Yes, it can be in the main section because it is considered free by the
DFSG. The right to modify the source is granted by the patch files.

>  - What is Debian's (current) approach to non-free software?  Why?  Is
> non-free part of the Debian System?

non-free are softwares that do not fit in all the terms of DFSG. They are
not part of the Debian system, however they can be used with Debian. They
can also take advantages of some infrastructure as BTS.

>  - Debian was offered a Debian-specific license to package a certain
> piece of software (I forget which).  Would we put it in main?

No. DFSG says that Debian software must not have a Debian specific license,
then it will not go in the "main" section.

>  - Do you know (and can you explain) the difference between free speech
> and free beer?  Is Debian mainly about free speech or free beer?

Debian is mainly about free speech... free speech refers to the fredom you
have when working with free software. You are free to modify, use, sell...
Free beer refers to gratis. That means with no cost.

>  - The e-mail client pine is in non-free.  Can you tell me the
> difference between main, contrib and non-free?  Do you know what's
> wrong with Pine's current license in regard to the DFSG? (If you
> don't know this, never mind).

 - free softwares belongs to the main section
 - non-free softwares belongs to the non-free section
 - free softwares that depends of non-free softwares must be in contrib

Pine's license imposes some restriction in the redistribution of it. As an
example you can't burn CD's with pine and sell them if you are a for-profit
organization. Also, I can't put it in CD's with proprietary software.
>  - At http://people.debian.org/~wolfie/mpg123_copyright you can
> find the license of mpg123.  Can you tell me why this program
> is non-free according to the DFSG?

This software is non-free because it denies the following rights:
  - Use the software for whatever you want (denies profit activities in
this case).
  - Modify the source code (you can use it as is, you can't even correct a
> Do you agree to uphold the Social Contract and the DFSG?

Yes, I do.

> If you are accepted as a Debian developer, you will get accounts
> on the Debian machines.  Have you read the Debian Machine Usage
> Policies (DMUP) at http://www.debian.org/devel/dmup ?  Do you
> accept them?

> I'm sure you have read the Debian Developers' Reference at
> http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/developers-reference/
>  - What are Non-Maintainer Uploads (NMUs) and when would you do an NMU?

NMU's are uploads made by other mantainer, not the official one.
They are usefull in some special situations, as:
 - Porting the package to other architecture.
 - The mantainer is on vacation and some critical bug needs to be fixed
in it's package. (db.debian.org can tell you it the mantainer is on
 - You are authorized by the mantainer to do it.
 - Other special circunstances when the mantainer is considered
"unreachable"; after sending bug to BTS, sending patch to BTS, trying
to contact the mantainer for some weeks and didn't getting anwers.
Than NMU will be the last option to fix the bug...
>  - Tell me 3 different methods to close a bug in the BTS.

 - Insert (Closes #BUGNUMBER) in the debian/changelog in the package
 - Send e-mail to BUGNUMBER-done@bugs.debian.org
 - Send e-mail to control@bugs.debian.org with the command:
      close BUGNUMBER

>  - What would you do if a bug was reported against your package and
>    you are not able to fix it yourself?

If the bug is in debian package of the software, I'd ask for help in the
mentors mailing list.
I also could use the architecture specific mailing lists to ask for help
if the package bug is architecture dependent.
If the bug is in the upstream code, I'd forward the bug to the upstream
authors, asking for them to fix it or helping me to fix it.
>  - You've just heard about this great program and would like to package
> it, what would you do?

- Look if it's already packed in Debian
- Find it's license and see in which section (main/contrib/non-free) it
will fit.
- Search if the license allows it to be packed.
- Fill a wnpp in BTS to show my intention to pack it.
- Pack it.
- Test it.
- Upload it.

>  - Do you know what 'lintian' is?  Why is it useful?

it is an automated check tool for debian packages. It's usefull to report
warnings and errors in the packaging. You should use it before uploading
the package.

>  - What does version 3.4-2.1 mean? What Debian control file would you
>    put this in? (Hint: NMU)

It means that the package version was 3.4-2 before and now it is the first
upload of a non-mantainer (that's why the ".1" after the original version).
You need to put this new number in a new entry in debian/changelog file. Do
not forget to put "* Non-maintainer upload" in the entry...

>  - You have a package in contrib, why would it have to go there? What
>    could you do (in theory at least) to get it into main?

You could try to convince the authors of the software that your package
depends to make it GPL, or other free license...
You could use another package dependency that provides the features you
As an example we have mpg123 which is non-free.
If you have a software that depends of mpg123 it will be in contrib
section. However, now there is mpg321 that is free and has the same
functions of the non-free. You could make your package compatible with
As it will not depend anymore of non-free software, it can migrate from
contrib to free.

>  - If you had a file in your package which usualy gets changed by a user
>    for local settings, how doyou make sure your next version of the 
>    package doesn't overwrite it?

You must use debian/conffiles in your package. You put references to your
config files in it and the user will automatically be prompted if he/she
wants the old customized version to be replaced by your new version. Then,
the user has to answer "Yes" to overwrite, the default will be not
>  - What would you do if you wanted to retire from the project and let
>    other developers maintainer your packages?

 - I must send wnpp report orphaning all my packages.
 - Send an e-mail to debian-private mailinglist telling how I'm leaving the
 - Notify the keyring mantainers that I'm leaving.


Thanks for the brief description of devel packages. Just a note... I didn't
find task-debian-devel you had mentioned... (my computer is "testing"

Thanks also for the mailing list introduction. I already use a lot the
debian mailing lists and also #debian #debian-br at openprojects.net.

Jordi, this week I got my next Debian package... take a look at


Attachment: pgpsKw8VDXzNr.pgp
Description: PGP signature

--- End Message ---
Hello Jordi,

Thanks for being my AM!
I'm very happy to be in the process of getting into the Debian team!

I already read the instructions in the nm.debian.org

The identification step can be checked with the key that I'm sending attached. It has one debian member signature (kov@debian.org), which completes que requisition of identification.

More personal information you may want to know:
   Name: Pedro Zorzenon Neto
   My "mother" language is portuguese.
   speak/write/read english (but not very good, still learning :-)

My prefered name at debian machines is "pzn" and the mail should be forwarded to pzn@terra.com.br. I checked in db.debian.org and nobody has this login.

I already packed "avrprog" for debian. Kov sponsors this package for me. It can be found at debian unstable and testing. It's a programmer for Atmel devices.

I've studied mecanical engineering (eletronics emphasis) at Universidade de São Paulo, and graduated at the end of 1999.
Before March/1999, I didn't know what was free software, then I had contacts with some people from the university that tought me what was it.
Since then I liked the free software philosophy and started being a member of NSL-USP[1], which it a group founded to help people using free software inside the university. We make classes, seminars and have an open mailing-list (portuguese language).

Actualy, I work in the development of aquisition systems with network at my own company (www.autsens.com). We intend to make our development tools free software. We did this with "avrprog".

Also some other work I did... some HOW-TO's. You can find "mutt-gpg" and "latex" how-to in http://www.autsens.cjb.net/~pzn. This site is a mess, but...

> Finally, thanks for volunteering!  Debian is a volunteer effort and you can make a difference!
Thank you very much for this words. They really make me more enthusiastic in being part of the Debian Team.


[1] NSL-USP Nucleo de Software Livre - Universidade de São Paulo = Free software group, university of São Paulo see http://igbt.sel.eesc.sc.usp.br (click on the link at the bottom) or http://www.gnusp.org (sorry... comming soon). Please, do not send this list address to public. We intend to build in the next months a good web page, rules for using, support, etc... Then we will put it's address in the search tools...

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Description: PGP signature

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