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AM report for Christophe Prud'homm

AM report on Christophe Prud'homme
by Christian Surchi <csurchi@debian.org>

Requested login: prudhomm
Email address for -private: prudhomm@mit.edu


pub  1024D/D4BE1450 2001-02-01 Christophe Prud'homme <prudhomm@mit.edu>
sig!       D4BE1450 2001-02-01  Christophe Prud'homme <prudhomm@mit.edu>
sig!       CDAB933D 2001-02-28  Peter Teichman <pat@gnu.org>
sub  1024g/45165186 2001-02-01
sig!       D4BE1450 2001-02-01  Christophe Prud'homme <prudhomm@mit.edu>

Philosophy & Procedures:

Christophe knows perfectly Debian's philosophy and agrees with it.
He knows about Project's procedures too.

Tasks & Skills:

* C,C++ developer
* he maintains several applications/packages
  - corelinux http://corelinux.sourceforge.net (libcorelinux, libcflw, libcfll)
  - kfem http://kfem.sourceforge.net (freefem and kfem)

  (debian packages are already available)

* phd in applied math: numerical methods, intensive computing
* creation of beowulf cluster (from harware to software and using debian of course)   

* he plans to
  - upload the packages have on hold: blitz, kfem, corelinux, vtk...
  - maintain his packages


I strongly recommend Christophe as new Debian maintainer.

Christian Surchi   |   csurchi@debian.org   |   christian@firenze.linux.it    
FLUG: http://www.firenze.linux.it | Debian GNU/Linux: http://www.debian.org 
-----------------> http://www.firenze.linux.it/~csurchi <------------------
Today is what happened to yesterday.

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