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AM report for Gerrit Pape

Summary for Gerrit Pape <pape@innominate.de>


Gerrit's GPG key is signed by Debian developer Torsten Landschoff.

pub  1024D/BC70A6FF 2000-03-24 Gerrit Pape <pape@innominate.de>
sig        551BE447 2000-11-07  Torsten Landschoff <torsten@debian.org>

Philosophy & Procedures

Gerrit works for a company that has supported Linux and free software
for quite a while.  He understands the SC and the DFSG and agrees
with them and with the DMUP.  He knows about free beer vs free speech
and could explain NMUs.

Tasks & Skills

Gerrit has shown me a package of 'qmail' which he had done for internal
use.  The package had some strange build problems, but Gerrit is aware
of them and is working on a fix.  Otherwise, the package looked ok.
Gerrit has also done the 'innominate linux rescue system', a bootable
business card CD-ROM, based on Debian potato.


I recommend that Gerrit be accepted as a Debian maintainer.

Martin Michlmayr

Attachment: pgpJv16_t6eHb.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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