Final Report for Steve Dobson <> [ Yes, this was CC'd to all interested parties, since there [ is no personal info/photo ID attatched. Develpoer signature. :^) Please note that Steve has changed email addresses several times since applying to Debian. Addresses he has used are: Steve Dobson <> (Applied with this one.) Steve Dobson <> Steve Dobson <> (His current address.) Steve has completed the new-maintainer checklist to my satisfaction. I recommend that he be accepted as a Debian developer. First name: Steve Last name: Dobson Current e-mail: <> Desired e-mail: <>, forwarded to <> Subscriptions to: <> GPG Key: The GPG public key Steve provided is attatched to this report, and bears the following ID and Fingerprint: pub 1024D/443AEA81 2000-06-19 Steve Dobson (Dobbo) <> Fingerprint: A220 3448 3A7D 1B9E D5BC 983D BBB1 CEC3 443A EA81 The key bears these signatures by Developers: sig! 88C7C1F7 2000-09-28 Steve McIntyre <> Identification Steve's key was signed by Steve McIntyre, a Developer. His identity is properly established. Philosophy and Procedures Steve had the following to say WRT to his understanding and agreement with the DSC and DFSG. I found it a bit formal, but quite sufficient: =====> BEGIN INCLUDED TEXT <===== [Formatted; Content verbatim.] This is my statement of agreement of the DSC and DFSG. I have read and understood the file `/usr/doc/debian/social-contract.txt' dated Dec 18th, 1998. I am willing to provide the time I spend working on Debian, either in maintaining one or more of it's packages, or of supporting Debian in other ways (for example manning a stand at a show), at no change to the Debian Project. I do, however, reserve the right to receive funding from other sources for any work that I undertake that I might also submit to Debian. Any software development I carry out for Debian I will release back to Debian and the Free Software Community, for distribution as they see fit. I will also, where appropriate, feed any changes to existing software upstream to the authors for them to include in the original work if they see fit. Any work that I do on behave of Debian I will allow to be distributed under the terms of an appropriate license. =====> END INCLUDED TEXT <===== Tasks and Skills The task Steve is volunteering for is package maintenence. Steve has two lintian-clean packages ready to upload. These packages can be fetched from <> if anyone wants to examine them. Evaluation and Check-in Steve first learned to package for Debian with the packages that are availabe at the URL above. One will notice that he chose to learn packaging by building a shared lib and a -dev package. He chose a non-trivial package to learn on, and did fairly well, as an examination of his packages shows. :^) He also understands and agrees with the DSC. I cannot make any judgement as to whether that agreement is personal or professional in nature, but he will abide by the DSC either way. This satisfies me WRT to his philosophy. For P&P, I am satisfied that he understands some of our policies and proceedures, and knows where to find the ones he doesn't. While he was learning to package, he asked me a number of questions WRT policy. [Lintian warnings/errors arising from policy violations.] I only gave him "bare-bones" explanations, and pointed him to the relevant Debian documentation. He found his own answers/solutions in the manuals, and produced a lintian-clean package. He will do well on any packages he builds in the future :^) Once he gets on board, and gets some experience, he will make an excellent contributor to the Project. :^) Cheers! -- ___________________________________________________________________ / Clay Crouch, UNIX Weenie ;^> | <> \ | Debian Package Maintainer | <> | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | 1024D/7D2AD631: 2319 2356 FEDF 4631 63F3 762A E443 1C2A 7D2A D631 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | "Some [people] are always trying to ice skate uphill." -- Blade | \___________________________________________________________________/
Description: PGP Key 0x443AEA81.
Description: PGP signature