LPC: Support for Complex Cameras in Debian
Hi everyone,
[A continuation of my previous email, hoping that a new subject get
more attention :)
In two weeks, I'll be hosting a micro-conference about Complex Cameras
in Linux at LPC in Vienna:
https://lpc.events/event/18/contributions/1679/ . Unfortunately, the
event is sold out and we only have a 3-hour slot to address 20 years
of challenges!
To make the most of our time, we're organizing a full day of meetings
the day before the conference, bringing together vendors, distros, and
Linux kernel maintainers. The goal of these sessions is to collaborate
on how to best support complex cameras in Linux, such as the IPU-6 and
those found in smartphones.
It would be fantastic to have someone from Debian present at this
meeting to represent our users and ensure they can fully utilize their
devices within our distro.
As a newer DD, I don't feel comfortable speaking on behalf of the
project just yet. I'm hoping someone from debian-dev or
debian-multimedia might be interested in participating, either in
person or virtually. Alternatively, if someone could spare 30-60
minutes to discuss Debian's best approach with me before the event,
that would be immensely helpful.
Feel free to reach out to me via email or IRC anytime.
Thanks in advance!
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