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Bug#1055111: marked as pending in ffmpeg

On Thursday, 9 November 2023 14:14:23 CET Sebastian Ramacher wrote:
> > FTR: Upstream has an alternative patch for this (and references this bug):
> > https://git.ffmpeg.org/gitweb/ffmpeg.git/commit/f01fdedb69e4accb1d1555106d
> > 8f682ff1f1ddc7
> I am awayre, yes. But a release of 6.1 is expected soon which hopefully
> includes the patch.

Ok, excellent :-)
I was/am a bit confused about how upstream does releases and when I saw the 
release/6.1 branch and commits titled "Bump versions prior to 6.1" and "doc/
APIchanges: Add 6.1 cut point" and "version <next>" added to Changelog, I 
thought the release already happened. But it didn't include that patch.

Not seeing the tags attached to commits in master or the release branches 
added to my confusion. I was planning to look further into this to hopefully 
understand how they work.


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