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Bug#1039859: mixxx: Mixxx GUI is broken / elements not rendered

Hi everyone,

This is a wayland related bug, and a known issue upstream:


It seems the waveform code is incompatible with the QtWayland platform
plugin change, which is mentioned on their troubleshooting page:

A workaround is to launch mixxx with

$ mixxx -platform xcb

Which uses the x11 platform plugin.

Upstream actually have -platform xcb set in their desktop file by
default, and if you look at debian/patches/0002-desktop_file.patch:

diff --git a/res/linux/org.mixxx.Mixxx.desktop
index bf90e33..35f4b68 100644
--- a/res/linux/org.mixxx.Mixxx.desktop
+++ b/res/linux/org.mixxx.Mixxx.desktop
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ GenericName[fr]=Interface numérique pour DJ
 Comment=A digital DJ interface
 Comment[de]=Ein digitales DJ-System
 Comment[fr]=Une interface numérique pour DJ
-Exec=sh -c "pasuspender -- mixxx -platform xcb || mixxx -platform xcb"

The exec line gets changed to remove the pasuspender call and platform
plugin changes. I understand removing pasuspender, but maybe we should
restore -platform xcb.

Gnome-Shell is wayland by default, and I think other desktops are
moving the same way, so maybe we should force the x11 backend by
default to have a working application while upstream decides how to
rebuild their interface for wayland to fix the issue.


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