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Bug#448105: mplayer: Illegal Instruction in init_audio_codec

> On 6 Jun 2023, at 14:57, Lorenzo <plorenzo@disroot.org> wrote:
> Thanks for looking at this again
>> So maybe it is possible to get to work now, but probably separate
>> builds would remain the better approach. On the plus side, if FFmpeg
>> works, and since Debian links MPlayer to FFmpeg dynamically,
>> --disable-altivec should be all that is needed - assuming the
>> performance degradation on altivec enabled systems mentioned above is
>> considered acceptable.
> Disable altivec for everyone doesn't seem a good compromise to me, I'm
> going to build twice on powerpc and let the user decide which one to use

To be clear: as MPlayer has no hand-written altivec, I I expect only a maybe 5-10% or so degradation (pure guess), the most performance critical stuff in FFmpeg should not be affected.
So --disable-altivec is not obviously unacceptable, but I do think separate builds would be better, as 10% can matter on these systems.
(I am rather mystified how FFmpeg handles this, since as said the runtime check code does not look like it would actually work - if it does not work, a separate non-altivec MPlayer build will not help as it will still crash for ~90% of media files, just in FFmpeg codecs now instead of MPlayer itself - is there a good way to test any of this?).

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