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Bug#1034867: smplayer: crash when playing video files using mplayer under Wayland

Hi James,

thanks for reporting this

> This is reproducible if launching mplayer standalone to play the
> video file with the 'wid' argument specified manually.  Audio will
> play, but video does not appear.
> What is worse, however, is that when the 'nokeepaspect' parameter is
> added, as is the case with smplayer, then mplayer itself crashes with
> a floating-point math exception.  This appears to occur here:
> https://sources.debian.org/src/mplayer/2%3A1.5%2Bsvn38408-1/libvo/vo_xv.c/#L365-L367

I've opened an issue for this at mplayer upstream tracker
let's see if this can be addressed in mplayer


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