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Bug#1004612: kodi: FTBFS with ffmpeg 5.0

Hi Sebastian!

I tried to address this bug myself, but apart from casual const-pointer conversions
there are two breaking changes that I will have to discuss with teammates in Kodi
and the member of the FFMPEG Project:

* The QP API is fully removed from the codebase. I worked around the removal by
disabling the single place where the deprecated API was used. However, I don't know
the proper way to implement the functional equivalent for the deprecated code.

* The FFmpegDemuxer makes use of cur_dts and other fields of "struct AVInputFormat"
moved to private context. I have seen commits in Gnome apps replacing cur_dts with the
dts of the last frame seen etc, but I really have to dig deeper into how that process works.

Tonight I will push the WIP MR to upstream Github and document all the roadblocks I
encountered in detail. Please feel free to join the discussion there if you can help.
Vasyl Gello
Certified SolidWorks Expert

Mob.:+380 (98) 465 66 77

E-Mail: vasek.gello@gmail.com
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