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Bug#1023005: A recent Bookworm upgrade broke video playback in the VLC player

Nov 24, 2022, 22:13 by bernhardu@mailbox.org:

> Hello Everyone,
> I guess I see a similar same issue here.
> First, for me works as a workaround if I click the slider somewhere
> in the middle of the video and do pause it, then close vlc completely.
> The next attempt to start the video with vlc works for me.
> (Like after a reboot the very first video does also play correctly.)
> Does someone seeing this issue can confirm this?

That workaround doesn't seem to work for me. Anyhow, I switched to mpv, may stay with it even after the VLC is fixed (mpv has a nice back/forward frame feature that VLC is missing, that is there's no way to go one frame back in VLC as far as I know it).


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