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Bug#942734: bs1770gain does not escape file names properly in XML output

Hi Petter,

finally, I've published a respective ß-version: http://pbelkner.de/projects/files/bs1770gain/bs1770gain/0.8.5-beta-2/.

Best regards


On 22.09.2022 09:42, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
[Peter Belkner]
I consider this a dilemma: readable vs. syntactical correct output. For
those who prefer syntactical correct output over readable output I
introduced a variant to option '--xml': '--xml=cdata'. Because this
breaks backward compatibility by introducing CDATA sections to the
output I hesitate  from making it default.
To me that is a ridiculous dilemma, as XML is not really human readable
and only fit for machine consumtion and thus need to be syntactical
correct XML.  If you want humans to read it, do not use XML. :)

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