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Bug#1017960: libdrumstick 2.7.1-1 causes vmpk to stop making sound


thank you for your detailed explanation.

I can confirm that, after upgrading libdrumstick packages to 2.7.1-1, configuring a FluidSynth MIDI connection restores functionality. The missing step was to configure a sound font: the default "default.sf2" does not exist. You might consider enhancing VMPK by changing the default or autodetecting or even recommending a well-known sound font package.

For the benefit of other users:

- I had installed fluid-soundfont-gm and thus had symlinks including:

/usr/share/sounds/sf2/default-GM.sf2 -> /etc/alternatives/default-GM.sf2 /etc/alternatives/default-GM.sf2 -> /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2

- For this test, I started from a clean installation, but this step may not be necessary:

    rm -rf ~/.config/vmpk.sourceforge.net

- I pressed Edit / MIDI Connections / MIDI Out Driver (now automatically set to "FluidSynth") and then "..." to configure and saw:

    Audio Driver: pulseaudio
    Sound Font: default.sf2 (which does not exist)
    FluidSynth Version: 2.2.8
    Initialization Status: Failed

- I changed sound font with "..." to:

    Sound Font: /usr/share/sounds/sf2/default-GM.sf2

- I pressed OK and status changed to:

    Initialization Status: Ready

VMPK functionality was then restored.

Kind regards,

Ash Joubert (they/them) <ash@transient.nz>
Transient Software Limited <https://transient.nz/>
New Zealand

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