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Bug#1015956: [Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#1015886: Bug: kodi-data conflicts firewalld on file kodi-eventserver.xml

Hi Michael,

> I can remove the kodi service files from firewalld and upload as 1.2.0-2
> but I'd like the Debian kodi package to take over and ship those files
> first before.
> Dear kodi maintainers: Please ship the above firewalld service files in
> either kodi or kodi-data and add a versioned
> Breaks: firewalld (<< 1.2.0-2)
> Replaces: firewalld (<< 1.2.0-2)

Will do, OK!
Vasyl Gello
Certified SolidWorks Expert

Mob.:+380 (98) 465 66 77

E-Mail: vasek.gello@gmail.com
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