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Bug#1006697: inkscape: Inkscape doesn't open GUI unless option -g is added

On Wed, 2 Mar 2022 19:20:14 +0100 Mattia Rizzolo <mattia@debian.org>
> Control: tag -1 moreinfo unreproducible
> On Wed, Mar 02, 2022 at 06:21:20PM +0100, Krzysztof Sobiecki wrote:
> > I have installed Inkscape. But when tried to run it, nothing shows
> > Including right-click on svg file and choosing Inkscape,
> > using Inkscape icon in Gnome, running Inkscape from command line.
> > Only thing that helped was adding -g in command line(or to
> > I have deleted Inkscape configuration(.config/.local) but it didn't
> Interesting.
> I don't see that, so I'd like to ask you:
> 1) if you just run `inkscape`, what's the output?
     There is no output, it just exits with 0
> 2) if you see an actual crash, please run that under gdb (with the -
dbgsym installed)
     It exits with 0, so there is no crash
> 3) can you also reproduce this with version 1.1.1-3 ?
     I'm going to do it a bit later

What I have found is that when I start Inkscape it just quits.
So I decided to trace places where _with_gui is set to false.
In file inkscape-application.cpp line 1306(big GUI and Shell comment)
there is a big if of command line options that turns off gui.
So I checked what options are used that cause gui to be turned off:
https://paste.debian.net/1233131/ (1 signals that option is present)
As you can see there are a few of them.
But I didn't set any command line options. It looks like they just
appear out of nowhere. I even created dummy user and logged in as it.
It produced same results. So I don't think it's problem with user

Krzysztof Sobiecki

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