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Bug#1005899: mplayer: should not release with bookworm

Reimar Döffinger writes ("Re: Bug#1005899: mplayer: should not release with bookworm"):
> These are definitely fixed in 1.5, and the fix for giflib should be not hard to cherry-pick for 1.4 if there is a need.
> > and #958865 (crash on theora) really ought
> > to be fixed too.
> I could never reproduce it, but it could be I never tested 1.4 Debian build. But chances are this is fixed by 1.5 at least.

Interesting, thanks.

> >  If we had a maintainer who is able to deal with
> > those, and also deal with some of the outstanding bug gardening, then
> > we could conclude that mplayer ought to stay.
> I am completely unfamiliar with the Debian processes and doubt I have time to learn (and interacting with the bug tracker seems supremely painful and confusing to me).
> So I also don't know what exactly is needed.
> But if it's just about debugging/fixing bugs or finding patches to cherry-pick I am here, and as said the lists are also there, as is MPlayer's trac bug tracker (though not that actively monitored, so would need to ping me for a fast response).

I think what is needed is precisely for someone to volunteer to do the
bug gardening, coordination work, routine package maintenance, and so

That doesn't require a Debian *expert*, but it does require a basic
level of Debian knowledge (or the time to get stuck in and learn).

While the maintainer role doesn't ahve to be a deep programming role,
it does take time and energy.  Sadly at the moment I don't think we
have a prospective maintainer for mplayer in Debian.

As I say, should someone come forward who wants to do this work, I
would be happy to sponsor their uploads, so it doesn't have to be
someone with formal status (eg Debian Project Member aka DD).  And
Sebastian has said someone who wants to be steward of mplayer in
Debian would be welcome to take over ownership of the package.

Best wishes,

Ian Jackson <ijackson@chiark.greenend.org.uk>   These opinions are my own.  

Pronouns: they/he.  If I emailed you from @fyvzl.net or @evade.org.uk,
that is a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.

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