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Re: Orphaned package!

Hi Kraus,

Thanks for bringing this up.

On 28/04/2021 03:13, Kraus Shusha wrote:
> Greetings, Pulseaudio Maintenance Team and Debian Multimedia Maintainers!
> I come to you with a packaging problem, and I am hoping your two groups
> may come up with a solution.
> https://packages.debian.org/sid/pulseaudio-module-jack
> Debian package *pulseaudio-module-jack*, needed for bridging PA and JACK
> through *module-jackdbus-detect* seems to be orphaned!

pulseaudio-module-jack is part of the pulseaudio source package and is
not orphaned. It is a very important package and the maintainers are
just looking for extra help as far as I can tell.


> Eventually, through help of the people on IRC, I was able to discover
> this error, and discover pulseaudio-module-jack was missing from my
> computer. I installed the package via apt, and the problem was fixed.

If you use both Jack and Pulseaudio, then it is a very good idea to
install the pulseaudio-module-jack package so that you can bridge
Pulseaudio to Jack.
UbuntuStudio has included pulseaudio-module-jack in its seeds for a long
time (so it is installed by default). Now, UbuntuStudio uses
StudioControls and Carla to manage Audio/Jack settings and connections
instead of QJackCtl (although it is still installed because it is
recommended by the jackd2 package). pulseaudio-module-jack is now a
dependency of StudioControls. Unfortunately, StudioControls and Carla
are not yet packaged for Debian.

> This poses a problem, because a casual end-user such as myself would
> never have guessed why things were broken! There was no error in
> QJackCtl, and the PulseAudio Error was hidden in a SystemD's journal.
> To solve this, it was my initial thought that QJackCtl should include
> this package, but it was the opinion of the folk in Freenode #lad (Linux
> Audio Developers) that PulseAudio package maintainers should have no
> reason not to include it with *pulseaudio* because it is needed by ALL
> third-party apps that enable jackdbus.

pulseaudio-module-jack IS included with PulseAudio, it is just not
installed by default in Debian.
I see two ways to help fix this:
1. Documentation (wiki?) on how to set up a Pulse+Jack Audio Workstation
on Debian.
2. Add a task to our Multimedia Blends to create a meta-package of
packages needed to set up a basic Audio Workstation.

> Either way, everyone pointed their fingers toward your two groups to
> pose my inquiry.
> So, what do either of you think? Should QJackCtl include
> pulseaudio-module-jack as a dependency? Or should PulseAudio just
> include the package by default to avoid any third-party omissions in the
> future?
> Cheers!
>     Kraus

QJackCtl works prefectly fine without pulseaudio-module-jack so it
should not "Depend" on pulseaudio-module-jack. But maybe a "Suggests"
would be a good idea.
Feel free to submit a wishlist bug. The uploaders for QJackCtl will then
be prompted to consider it at the next upload.



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