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Bug#969187: librtmidi-dev: content differs vastly between architectures

Sebastian Ramacher dixit:

>That looks like the expected difference between the amd64 and arm64
>packages. So what issues are you seeing?

Oh, interesting. I was using p.d.o to search for RtMidi.h
and found this divergence in the file lists on p.d.o…

>> https://packages.debian.org/sid/amd64/librtmidi-dev/filelist
>> https://packages.debian.org/sid/arm64/librtmidi-dev/filelist

I admit I didn’t download the packages and look for myself,
trusting the p.d.o data to be, if possibly up to 36 hours out
of date, at least accurate.

[16:04:33] bkix: "veni vidi violini"
[16:04:45] bkix: "ich kam, sah und vergeigte"...

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