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Re: [Pkg-pascal-devel] Bug#959582: castle-game-engine: FTBFS: tries to write stuff to homedir?

Hi J. Scheurich,

I don't think this ticket is related to your request.
Please check https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/whitedune for whitedune which is maintained by an other time: Debian Multimedia Maintainers.

This ticket is related to castle-game-engine failing to build and not to whitedune.
Cheers, Abou Al Montacir

On Sun, 2020-05-03 at 15:56 +0200, J. Scheurich wrote:

During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
on amd64.

It lloks like you are a debian developer and have interest in 3D-animation.
I want to ask, if you are able to update the white_dune package in debian.
The current version 1,874 has many improvements compared with the
7 years old version 0.30 im debian...
I am the upstream of white_dune...


white_dune can be used to create content for the castle-game-engine.

so long

Pkg-pascal-devel mailing list


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