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Bug#874598: Tested workaround

Hello everybody out there!

	I am using Debian GNU/Linux 10 :

$ cat /etc/debian_version

	I am using Ardour from standard repositories:

$ aptitude versions ardour
i   1:5.12.0-3                                    stable

	I have experimented the same bug: Ardour was not loading the graphical
user interface. It appears this bug is reported on Ardour bug tracker:


	According to this report, the problem is due to GTK 2 colour themes
which may be optionally installed on the system. There is a workaround:
set the system variable GTK2_RC_FILES:

$ export GTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/share/themes/Adwaita/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
$ ardour5
bind txt domain [gtk2_ardour5] to /usr/share/ardour5/locale
Ardour5.12.0 (construit avec 1:5.12.0-3 et GCC version 7.3.0)
ardour: [INFO]: Votre configuration-système limite Ardour à 1048576
fichiers ouverts
ardour: [INFO]: Chargement du fichier de configuration-système
ardour: [INFO]: Chargement du fichier de configuration-utilisateur
ardour: [INFO]: CPU vendor: GenuineIntel
ardour: [INFO]: AVX-capable processor
ardour: [INFO]: CPU brand: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz
ardour: [INFO]: Using SSE optimized routines
ardour: [INFO]: Chargement du fichier de style par défaut
(/etc/ardour5/default_ui_config) pour l'interface graphique
ardour: [INFO]: Chargement du fichier utilisateur de la configuration de
l'interface graphique /home/yoann/.config/ardour5/ui_config
Couleur shuttle bg introuvable
ardour: [INFO]: Chargement du fichier de couleur
ardour: [INFO]: Loading ui configuration file /etc/ardour5/clearlooks.rc
ardour: [INFO]: Loading ui configuration file /etc/ardour5/clearlooks.rc

	At least on my system, it works fine. As GTK team efforts are focused
on GTK 3 and 4, the bug will probably not be fixed. Therefore, I think
the workaround should be integrated to the package.

	Best regards.

Diaspora* : ylebars@framasphere.org

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