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Bug#913698: /usr/bin/ffprobe: Re: /usr/bin/ffprobe: Do not display version / build headers to stderr for ffprobe and others

Package: ffmpeg
Version: 7:4.0.3-1
Followup-For: Bug #913698

Hi, thanks for a prompt response.

That is the response I was expecting, and I understand upstream reasons,
but I do not fully aggree with this reasoning.

I found -hide_banner option that basically do what I am asking for,
however it would be beneficial to have environment variable
AV_HIDE_BANNER=1 that do that automatically so I can put it in my profile
/ .rc scripts, etc.

It is unfortunately not something that can always be done using bash
aliases or custom wrapper (because some other tools can be calling using
fixed path by default).

Other (complementary) option would be to improve the banner itself, i.e.:

ffmpeg version 4.0.3-1 Copyright (c) 2000-2018 the FFmpeg developers; built with gcc 8 (Debian 8.2.0-9)
  config: --prefix=/usr --extra-version=1 --toolchain=hardened --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --incdir=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu --arch=amd64
  --enable: gpl avresample avisynth gnutls ladspa libaom libass libbluray libbs2b libcaca libcdio libcodec2 libflite libfontconfig libfreetype libfribidi libgme libgsm libjack libmp3lame libmysofa libopenjpeg libopenmpt libopus libpulse librsvg librubberband libshine libsnappy libsoxr libspeex libssh libtheora libtwolame libvidstab libvorbis libvpx libwavpack libwebp libx265 libxml2 libxvid libzmq libzvbi lv2 omx openal opengl sdl2 libdc1394 libdrm libiec61883 chromaprint frei0r libopencv libx264 shared
  --disable: stripping filter=resample
  libs: avutil 56.14.100; avcodec 58.18.100; avformat 58.12.100; avdevice 58.3.100; avfilter 7.16.100; avresample 4.0.0; swscale 5.1.100; swresample 3.1.100; postproc 55.1.100

When displayed on reasonably standard width terminal of 100 columns, this
translates to 11 rows. Compared to 23 rows in default banner right now.


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