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Bug#890205: closed by James Cowgill <jcowgill@debian.org> (Re: Bug#890205: [mpv] relocation error)


On 16/07/18 20:40, Paolo Redaelli wrote:
> I beg your pardon, I missed your reply! :(
> I just updated it
> There they are, after an "apt update;apt install mpv"
> dpkg -l libavfilter6 libavutil55
> ii  libavfilter6:amd64   7:3.4.2-2+b1    amd64           FFmpeg library
> containing media filters - runt
> ii  libavutil55:amd64    10:3.2.2-dmo3   amd64           FFmpeg avutil
> library - runtime files

You have a non-Debian version of libavutil55 installed from
deb-multimedia.org. Please reinstall Debian's version and try again.

> ffmpeg works correctly
> paolo@rigel:~$ ffmpeg -version
> ffmpeg version 2.8.1 Copyright (c) 2000-2015 the FFmpeg developers
> built with gcc 5.2.1 (Debian 5.2.1-22) 20151010

It also looks like you have a custom (and very old) version of ffmpeg
installed, but I think this is unrelated to the issue with mpv.


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