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Re: Notice of mailing list closure: pkg-multimedia-maintainers


On 11/04/18 15:19, Reinhard Tartler wrote:
> Hi Mattia,
> I am around, but am unsure what to do. Reading through the past mails on
> this topic on the pkg-multimedia-maintainers mailing list, I thought the
> plan was to move all packages to use "debian-multimedia@lists.debian.org
> <mailto:debian-multimedia@lists.debian.org>" as maintainer, and we could
> safely let go of the alioth list. I may have misunderstood something.

Yes that is the plan, but unfortunately we only have 3 days to do that
before the alioth list is turned off, so I think it's better to have the
list migrated for the time being and let the list go once enough stuff
has been migrated.


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