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Re: Debian Multimedia (Unofficial) Promotion

Le 17/03/2012 18:51, Klaumi Klingsporn a écrit :
Am / On Sat, 17 Mar 2012 12:34:04 -0400
schrieb / wrote Andres Mejia<amejia004@gmail.com>:

Here's my first try at writing better documentation about installing
extra multimedia codecs. Takes away the need for installing the deb
line to apt.

as a normal user I would find it usefull to get an explicit warning,
that adding debian-multimedia.org to apt-sources.list will break the
package-management bedause of incompatible package-dependencies.

+1, you resume it Klaumi !
(means, here's the fishnet invoque before))))

said just in case anybody seen the point is here w/want to adapt for your needs... F
Klaus-Michael Klingsporn
mail: klaumikli@gmx.de
web: www.klaumikli.de

Ah, si chaque grain de sable choisissait d'apporter sa goutte d'eau, hein ?

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