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Fwd: [foms] FOMS 2009

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Subject: [foms] FOMS 2009
Date: Tuesday 27 May 2008 15:00
From: "Silvia Pfeiffer" <silviapfeiffer1@gmail.com>
To: "Foundations of Open Media Software" <foms@lists.annodex.net>

Hi everybody,

We're starting to get into the mood of FOMS 2009.

We're currently deciding on concrete topics and people to invite.

The ideas are as follows:

* Web and open video
* mobile video
* open a/v codecs
* open audio & media frameworks
* audio infrastructure
* open audio & video applications
* open metadata
* anything open media, really

We'd like your input into the topics and the attendees list. If you'd
like to see specific people at FOMS, please contact the committee or
make an introduction. You may know better who is relevant in your
field than we do, so we want to make sure we get the right people
there. Tasmania is worth a trip!

You're also always welcome to forward the Call for Papers to anybody
you think should be interested.
It is under development here:

Silvia & the FOMS committee.
foms mailing list


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