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[FWD] Re: [Jackit-devel] parallel installs to die

I'm sorry but I have to bother you again with  the versioning issue of
the jack package.
Here below is  a copy of  the reply I sent to  Paul Davis  on the Jack
mailing  list.  It  seems that this   issue is making life harder  for
people wanting to compile and run bleeding-edge versions of jack.
Is there some kind of compromise we could reach?
To: paul@linuxaudiosystems.com
Cc: Daniel James <daniel@64studio.com>,  joq@io.com,
	  "Kjetil S. Matheussen" <k.s.matheussen@notam02.no>
Subject: Re: [Jackit-devel] parallel installs to die
From: Free Ekanayaka <free@64studio.com>
Organization: 64 Studio
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 10:55:49 +0100
Hi Paul,
|--==> Paul Davis writes:
  PD> On Mon, 2006-11-20 at 14:19 +0000, Daniel James wrote:
  >>Hi Paul,
  >>> the debian-style fiasco can't be solved at run-time because it involves
  >>> a link to an overly-specified library name. we can only detect it at
  >>> build time.
  >>I thought the easiest way to solve this would be for us to submit a bug 
  >>report to Debian that jack builds from source break installed packages. 
  >>Then I saw this one, which seems to cover the same ground:
  >>Can the jack developers advise the Debian maintainers on the best way to 
  >>solve this?
  PD> they should just stop modifying the build process to include a library
  PD> version in front of the ".so..." suffix. the JACK configure/make files
  PD> do not do this - it was added by the debian packagers. the library
  PD> should be called libjack.so.X.Y.Z where X, Y and Z are defined by JACK,
  PD> not debian (current 0.0.23)
  PD> maintaining versioning is an issue for JACK developers, not packagers.
  PD> we will change the "libtool" library version when libjack changes in
  PD> incompatible ways.
Thanks for   your hints.  I   was not  involved  in  the  jack  Debian
packaging, but I'm in contact with  the actual Debian maintainers, and
I'll talk with them about this issue.

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