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Re: JACK 0.98.1 in experimental

guenter geiger <geiger@xdv.org> writes:

> Hmm, to make it more visible, what we could do is asking a debconf
> question. The problem is that the current solution of setting a
> environment variable is not very "Debian-friendly", which means
> that I don't know of an easy way to enable the feature generally.
> We would need wrapper scripts for every application that might
> use jack. Setting global environment variables is generally not
> a good thing to do.

Environment variables suck, IMHO.

> It would be ideal if the jackdrc itself holds the information
> if jackd gets automatically started or not.

Maybe it should have been done that way.  JACK_START_SERVER was an
eleventh-hour hack so we could ship the release without breaking a lot
of applications by suddenly changing the jack_client_new() semantics.
My feeling is that we should leave this as an obscure feature for
expert users to experiment with at this point.  Eventually, full
support will evolve, but that will take a while.

> Of course there are ways that the Debian package could be patched
> to enable this, but acting differently than upstream is always a bad
> thing.

I think that would really confuse a lot of people.

> What is the design behind the .jackdrc format ?
> Or is it rather an ad-hoc solution ?

Very ad-hoc.  Just a command line.

> I think beside being useful for automatic server startup, it would
> be nice to have jackdrc as a general configuration file, that also
> works for the jackd command-line directly.

I argued for that when this feature was first introduced, but didn't
get much support at the time.  I like the basic concept of starting
the sever when needed, but am not thrilled with this design.  But, I
guess I can live with it.

> It seems the settings are just stored as command line, which probably
> does not scale very well, and it is difficult to parse, adapt and extend.

That's right.  At least it's well-defined.  ;-)

> Seems that qjackctl uses a different format and file too, then later
> there will be LASH ...

Right.  Qjackctl will write it's command line in .jackdrc, unless you
tell it not to.  Maybe the UI can be handled adequately at that level.

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