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Re: Bug#205552: jack-audio-connection-kit: new upstream release available


[Mon, 25 Aug 2003] Andrea Glorioso wrote:
> >>>>> "ju" == Junichi Uekawa <dancer@netfort.gr.jp> writes:
>     ju> The new version of jack library will be called libjack0.71.2-0
>     ju> (although it is of version 0.75.0-1)
> Sorry for the dumb question, but what are the reasons for this
> versioning scheme?
> Feel free to point me to the relevant documentation or e-mail threads
> about this issue.

a) almost every upstream release of jack was binary incompatible with
to the lder ones, thus the need for different package names.

b) these two are not incompatible, thus no need to force everyone to
recompile and no need to delay this version entering testing until
everyone has done so.

*  the appropriate thread(s) on jackit-devel
*  the mentioned bugreport
*  Junichis Library Packaging Guide


Computers are useless.  They can only give you answers.
		-- Pablo Picasso

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