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Re: Mobian Update/Upgrade Troubles

On Fri, Jul 29, 2022 at 11:17:16PM -0500, Joseph Ciurej wrote:
> I recently tried updating my repos for the first time in a few months
> and I ran into some difficulties. In particular, running `sudo apt
> update` caused the following errors:
> E: The repository 'http://repo.mobian-project.org mobian Release' no
> longer has a release file.
> N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is
> therefore disabled by default.
> N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user
> configuration details.

Note that apt isn't complaining about an expired key, so you followed
a red herring (for now).

What apt is saying here is that the file
`http://repo.mobian-project.org/dists/mobian/Release` doesn't exist
while it previously did (well, likely `InRelease`, but due to fallbacks
and… details, so lets pretend I didn't open this bracket).

Turns out, the entire `mobian` directory doesn't exist anymore, but apt
doesn't know that (many repos have directory listing disabled and even
if they hadn't, those aren't made to be parsed by machines).

Seems intended, see the Notes section at the end of

> ```
> # apt-key add mobian.gpg
> # touch /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/mobian.gpg
> # apt-key add --keyring=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/mobian.gpg mobian.gpg
> ```

Please don't. Anything involving `apt-key` is likely wrong and might not
even run successfully as it requires the entire gnupg suite to work.
There is a reason it is deprecated. The `apt-key` command might not even
exist in a short while.

In your case you could store the `mobian.gpg` file directly in
`/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/` for example.

Disclaimer: I don't really have an idea about Mobian and/or if this is
really a valid contact point for that team. It seems I am subscribed to
this list due to my GTA02 Freerunner long before Mobian even existed,
but that has long since gone the way of the dodo and so I don't even own
anything resembling a mobile device… that is to say: take my comments
with a truckload of salt.

I am an APT developer though, so at least my comments on apt and apt-key
are ex cathedra. 😉️

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

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