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Re: Bringing Mobian closer to Debian

On Sat, Aug 14, 2021 at 12:08 PM Arnaud Ferraris <arnaud.ferraris@gmail.com> wrote:
As DebianOnMobile maintainers, we agreed a while ago that mobile-tweaks
would mostly hold cosmetic tweaks, and not be used to significantly
alter the system behavior. Almost a year down the road, do we want to
keep it that way? Or can we drop all mobian-$device-tweaks packages and
add features to the existing $device-tweaks ones?

Hello everybody,
Thank you Arnaud for the detailed email.
Few thoughts around the packaging strategy:

Users will probably install non-free packages like kernel and drivers by running a Debian
installer or flashing the SD card directly rather than doing apt install on a running
system. Also, task packages like task-laptop tend to ignore non-free packages.
Therefore, maybe there is no need for "mobian*tweaks" packages to depend on
non-free packages.

Having tiny packages for every supported platform could be a bit too granular. (right now
my phone has 7 mobian-* + *-tweaks packages installed)
As an alternative the mobian-tweaks package could detect the underlying device and
configure the required files. With the added benefit of being able to ask questions to the
user or run configuration commands.

Limiting the number of *source* packages should decrease the effort to upload
new releases and ensure that the binary packages are upgraded in lockstep where

Federico Ceratto

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