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Re: Debian mobile BoF at DebConf17

On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 5:21 PM, W. Martin Borgert wrote:

> I'll try to organise a BoF about Debian (on) mobile at DebConf.

I suppose it has been a while since the last one at DebConf12:


>  - Which hardware is available and runs (more or less) with
>    (more or less) free drivers? Phones, tablets, handhelds?

I'd focus on stuff supported by Replicant, devices that are being
upstreamed by vendors (Sony) or the community (N900/GTA04/etc).


>  - How can Debian be installed on such devices, esp. by people
>    not used to patch their uboot?

Often bootloaders are locked down and can't be modified.

>  - Which DE in Debian is most useful on a mobile? I.e. Must not
>    be too resource hungry and should be touch-friendly.

IIRC, Enlightenment was fairly good last I tried it. Unfortunately the
team packaging that for Debian isn't very active.

>  - Are useful applications missing from Debian? Which programs
>    work well on small screens? Can we compete with F-Droid?

A lot of the apps from the OpenMoko days are dead upstream but still
in Debian (like intone for music). I expect Ubuntu Touch or FirefoxOS
or WebOS etc might be useful sources of apps, or perhaps extending the
Android SDK packaging into packaging Android runtime parts and apps.

> What else? If we start to discuss things here on the mailing
> list, the better we are prepared in Canada :~)

More on the wiki:


Probably a big thing is exploits needed to install Debian:


> PS': Everybody is also invited to discuss in the MUC
> xmpp:debian-mobile@conference.conversations.im

Or the #debian-mobile IRC channel on OFTC.



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