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Re: Debian mirror size

On 28.11.22 22:53, krystof@ibse.cz wrote:
I have setup debian mirror using official archvsync script suite. Mirrored architectures are: all source i386 amd64. The rest of config for ftp-sync is kept on default values. Everything seems to work fine - only problem is that the mirror is too small, at least according to this website: 'www.debian.org/mirror/size'. Sum of sizes for these architectures is 1488GiB (give or take, data are changing every day), but I have only 930GiB stored on disk dedicated for mirror. There is no filesystem level encryption involved (ext4) or anything like that. There should be no problem with master mirror (ftp.debian.cz), since I have tried multiple different ones with no difference. Are installation image sizes included in these architecture sizes? If not, what makes the difference?

# du -hs --exclude=\*_arm64.deb --exclude=\*_armel.deb --exclude=\*_armhf.deb --exclude=\*_mips.deb --exclude=\*_mips64el.deb --exclude=\*_mipsel.deb --exclude=\*_ppc64el.deb --exclude=\*_s390x.deb
962G    .
# df -h .
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md4        2.6T  1.8T  668G  73% /mount/mirrors

I'd say your numbers are pretty accurate.

And one last thing - everywhere is recommended not to sync 'security.debian.org/debian-security' for security reasons. I understand why, but are packages in this repository rotated into regular debian repository after a while?

yes, debian point releases contain security updates.

Just curious, since I do have some offline machines I update from my local repository.

you can mirror security updates for them, but better don'd publish it and don't rely on it.

There are solutions like apt-offline, apt-cacher and others that could help you.
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory.

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