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Re: Mirror site added, then removed?

On Sat, 19 Jun 2021, Mike Egglestone wrote:

> I just recently applied to have mirror.estone.ca added to the official
> mirror list in Canada.
> It showed on the list for about 2 days, but noticed today it is now removed.
> Is there a problem with the site or some other issue I need to fix up?

Already discussed in private, but for those reading along at home:

The mirror is in our list:
 - https://salsa.debian.org/mirror-team/masterlist/-/blob/master/Mirrors.masterlist.in
but its score is currently low on
 - https://mirror-master.debian.org/status/mirror-status.html

A mirror needs to have a score of >= 50 to end up on the webpage (and
there is some delay at that step too).

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