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new BG mirror, access to syncproxy2.eu.d.o


I'm currently maintainer of the following mirrors in Bulgaria:
- ftp.uni-sofia.bg
- debian.spnet.net

We're in the process of building a new Debian mirror, which will be available at debian.mobiltel.bg and in the future it will replace the current debian.spnet.net (ftp.bg.d.o). Transition would be slow, with preserved service on the old IPs and DNS names.

I'm configuring ftpsync (20160306) on the host, and I'd like to be able to sync from syncproxy2.eu.debian.org, hence I'm requesting access for the ::debian rsync module (and ::debian-security, if available).

Also, I'd prefer if we could make the new debian.mobiltel.bg a push-mirror, so could you please send me SSH key and the IP address the push is going to come from?


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